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"Tris? It's time to get up." Harry murmured soothingly. Tristan lazily opened his eyes. He blinked a couple times. Harry was sitting on the edge of his bed. His right hand caressed Tristan's hair. The other boy rose on his elbows.

"Goodmorning." Harry smiled.

"Good morning. Why are you up so early?" Tristan asked.

"It's Quidditch today, remember?"

"Ah yes." Tristan rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"Get ready and meet me before the match starts, alright?" Harry gently caressed Tristan's cheek.

"Yeah, I'll be there." Tristan smiled. Harry quickly brushed his lips to the tip of Tristan's nose. The other boy crinkled his nose in response and flushed pink. Harry lightly laughed before heading out.

"Mate, we've been waiting for you."
Ron said as soon as he saw Tristan coming down the stairs. Hermione was standing next to him.

"Don't rush me, Ronald. I like to put an effort to make myself presentable." Tristan gave a little bow and Hermione smiled.

"Such a diva you are." Ron commented.

They bickered back and forth till they reached the stadium. Students were buzzing all around them. They made there way to where the Gryffindor Quidditch team was standing. They were gearing up. Harry raised his head and saw Tristan. He beamed.

"Looking good, Potter." Trsiatn winked. Harry blushed lightly.

"Ready to win this match, mate?" Ron asked.

"Born ready." Harry said and turned to Tristan, grinning.

"You don't look so bad yourself."

"That's because he spent an hour getting ready this morning." Ron commented. Tristan rolled his eyes and retorted.

"Unlike you who threw on whatever he got his hands on first."

"Alright, the match is about to start." Hermione interrupted the banter in time and turned to hug Harry.

"Goodluck." She stepped back and Ron hugged him next. Harry looked at Tristan over his shoulder.

When Tristan finally wrapped his arms around him, Harry exhaled deeply.

"I really want to kiss you, now." He whispered. Tristan shuddered, not because of the cold.

"Win this match and you can take as many as you want." He offered and pulled back. He winked and the three walked to stand among the excited students.

The weather had gotten gloomier. It was raining and the wind was strong. There was thunder and lightning. Tristan didn't like it at all.

"This is a terrible weather for a match, don't you think?"
He asked and Hermione nodded.

"Do you think they'll cancel?" She asked. He shook his head.

"I don't think so."

They cheered on as Harry spotted the snitch and went after it. He disappeared behind the clouds. The wind got stronger ; the rain got heavier. Tristan had a bad feeling in his gut that something was about to happen. He pushed down the thoughts and stared at the dark, cloudy sky looking for any sign of Harry. Few minutes passed, when he saw something or rather someone falling from the sky.

"Harry!" Tristan shouted. His heart sank and he almost fell over of Ron and Hermione hadn't caught him. Harry was falling. A fall like that would kill him. Tristan knew what to do. He knew the spell to slow the fall but he froze. He couldn't even move let alone lift his wand and utter a spell.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz