16. The Things We Left Behind

Start from the beginning

"About a few months after you... He took off. Dropped me off at my grandma's and went to go "find himself". I guess he's still looking."

"And you're in a... child prison?"

"It's a group home. After my Gran died, I didn't have anyone, so... I bounced around to different foster families. Places like this. Living the dream, you know?"

"Well, Claire, I'm -- I'm sorry, and... I can never replace what I took from you. But if there is anything you need, anything at all..."

"Get me out of here."


"Do you own a brush?"

Castiel fidgeted with the brush, running it through her hair.

"Stop it," Claire said, reaching over and brushing and putting up Castiel's hair and put a scarf around her neck. "There. Now you look like a mom."

Sandy walked into her office, file in hand. Castiel went to stand. "No, no." Castiel sat back down. "So... Mrs. Novak. I understand you want custody of your daughter."

"Yes, that's uh-" Castiel cleared her throat, and made her voice less low-sounding. "That's right."


"Excuse me?"

"It's a simple question. You vanish for years. No contact, not even a simple Christmas card. Why come back now?"

"I, um... I didn't, uh... I was traveling."

"For work," Claire said.

"Work. Yes."

"Long trip," Sandy noted. "And what is it that you do exactly?"

"I... uh... I fight certain deadly threats to humanity," Castiel stammered.

"She's an exterminator," Claire explained.

"I'm an exterminator."

Sandy gave them a look, not believing them. "Uh-huh. You know, I think I might have bed bugs. Any tips?"

"Of course. You should sleep tight and not let them bite."

Castiel winked at her and Claire rolled her eyes.

"I'll try that," Sandy replied.

Claire frowned. "It doesn't matter. She's my mom, and she wants to sign me out, so I'm out. That's the law, Sandy."

"Claire, wait for me in the hallway."

"You can't-"


Claire got up and stomped from the room. Castiel watched her go, then turned back to Sandy who said, "I don't do well with liars, Mrs. Novak."

"But-" Castiel began.

"Save it. I'm denying your application for custody. I'm not trying to be the bad guy here. I'm not. But until Claire turns 18, she is my responsibility. I know you're trying to do what you think is best. I know you want to be her friend."

"I do."

"And that's your problem, Mrs. Novak. Claire's troubled. The last few years have not been easy for her. And she doesn't need friends; she needs a mother."


Dean was sitting at the table watching an old episode of 'The Three Stooges', laughing forcefully.

"What are you laughing at?" Sam asked.

"Oh, hey. Hang on. You gotta see -- this is a classic," Dean said.

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