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-Josie: Please someone just tell me that disgusting girl isn't my real sister.

-Sofia: Oh my god. Could you just calm down?? I'm not that bad, okay?

-Josie: Oh, yeah. You're even worse.

-Sofia: Whatever, I can't waste my time with you right now. I have so more important things that I need to do. First of all, where's Stefan??

-Klaus: Before Stefan, there's a more important thing, remember? We called Damon earlier. And he was on way with Elena. Now we find Stefan. And certain we are about to lose him again right now.

-Sofia: Oh, no! Totally forgot! So, okay, don't need to be hurry, I'm finding Stefan right now. And you got Damon, okay?

-Klaus: Okay, but are you sure that you could manage Stefan?

-Sofia: There's nothing that I can't handle, you know.

-Klaus: Fine, so go get him.

Sofia runs upstairs. Sees Stefan while sleeping his bed. She thought how cute he is. But then, she remembers that there's something more important thing than watching Stefan's sleep. Later, she gets close to the bed. 

-Sofia: Stefan. Stefan the day has risen, don't you think about getting up?

Stefan yarns, Sofia laughs.

-Stefan: Okay I'm getting up. But please, leave me alone for a second.

Sofia by turning her eyes: Okay, I'm out.

Sofia goes down the stairs. 

-Klaus: Did you talk to him?

-Sofia: Umm, about what?

-Klaus: What could it be, about Elena and Damon of course.

-Sofia: No, I couldn't. He just told me get out of room, so I did it.

-Klaus: You are not doing the opposite of the thing has been told you for the first time, and is this really this?

-Sofia: Yes. I guess..

-Klaus: You must be kidding. You just leave him alone upstairs? And the only reason is he told you to do that? You truly a gift?

-Sofia: Yes, I just did that. And I can't get what's the that big problem. I didn't make a that bad move. 

-Klaus: Oh, God. Can't you use your brain? He just escaped.

-Sofia: No, he wouldn't do that.

-Klaus: Don't be that fool Sofia.

They goes upstairs. And they see that Stefan's gone.

-Sofia: Seems like we've got problems.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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