-A Friendship, And A Hostility Beginning-

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-Hope: Landon! I said what's happening here?
-Landon: She's just my friend.
Klaus whispers to Sofia: They are fighting again. As usual.
Sofia: I see.
Hope: Dad!

-Sofia: I'm here!
-Alaric: Sofia! I can't believe that. You came. You made me so happy.
-Sofia: Did i really make you happy?
-Alaric: More than ever.
Sofia and Alaric hug.

Sofia suddenly enters to classroom;
-Sofia: Hi everybody!
-Josie: Who are you? And what are you doing here?
-Sofia: Oh, your daddy didn't tell me? I can't believe that!
-Josie: Who is she?
-Sofia: I am Sofia. Sofia Saltzman.
-Josie: Saltzman?!
-Sofia: Oh, I'm your sister actually.
And then, Josie leaves from the classroom very angrily.

-Sofia: Klaus, do we have to do that?
-Klaus: Yes, dear. We have to.
-Sofia: So, if you are talking like that, it means you know where are they.
-Klaus: No, I do not know actually.
-Sofia: Really?!
-Klaus: But I'll find them. As soon as possible.
-Sofia: Okay, but please hurry up.
-Klaus: Are you really in love with him?
-Sofia: Oh, which one?

No one had heard from Stefan for years. Sofia was terrified that Stefan had hurt himself. They needed to find him immediately. Sofia and Klaus needed to find Damon first to find Stefan. So they could reach Stefan. But there was a small problem. Finding Damon also meant finding Elena. And that wouldn't be their advantage. Because Stefan was still in love with Elena. And they had to change this. In one way or another. And the way was Sofia.

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