We Fell In Love In October.

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*fear street 1978 spoilers, btw*

You are sitting on your bed, and Sadie walks in.

"Do you want to go on a run?" You say

"...a run? right now?" She asks


"Um...ok. Are you ready to go then?"

"Yeah, let's go."

Sadie kisses your cheek. "we should go into the woods."

"Okay, let's go." You say getting up

as you get into the woods, Sadie turns around quickly.

"Do you hear that?" She says

"It's Michael Myers." You put your hands on Sadie's waist. "He has come to kill you for being gay." You say jokingly

Sadie says sarcastically. "Oh no... a tall, tall man wants to kill me. I'm so scared."

"Haha. So many tall men try to kill you. But that's because you are the queen of horror." You grab Sadie's waist and pull her close.

Sadie takes your hand and pulls you back close. "You bet your ass I am." She kisses you

"Oh my god, it's Tommy Slater. He has mistaken you for your character, Ziggy Berman. He's come to finish the task and finally kill you once and for all!" You jokes

"Tommy Slatter... really now." She kisses you again and picks you up, spinning."I will beat his ass."

"Oh yeah?" you say. "Just like he almost killed your character?"

She kisses you again. "Tommy better bring his game because I'm not one to go down without a fight."

"Oh, are you now?" You jokes,"then how did you die from a knife wound, huh?"

She kisses your cheek. "I don't have a witty comeback to that." She chuckles

You laughs "and it wasn't even Tommy who killed you. You got killed by Harry Rooker, the perverted milk man," you say the last part in a funny voice

Sadie laughs. "Yes...the perverted milk, man, it's not something you hear every day."

"I mean, come on out of all the fear street killers. The milk man is the creepiest. With his little perverted gaze," you say, walking twords Sadie

"he's definitely giving the wrong kind of eye candy." Sadie moves closer to you

"Who do you think is the scariest?" You says, "out of all the killers from all of the three movies."

"Ruby Lane... she killed her friends at a party. Then, killed herself. Which is absolutely terrifying."

"I mean, she technically did have a motive." You say,"she was possessed by Sarah Feir, " you say in a spooky voice

Sadie chuckles. "That spooky voice...is absolutely terrifying."

You chuckles. "If you were possessed by the witch, how do you think you would kill everyone?"

"Probably with a big ass needle," sadie makes a stabbing gesture

"What about you? What's a scary killer?" She moves close again, running her fingers down your cheeks."If you were a Fear Street killer, what kind of killer would you be?"

"Oh me?" You say, "I would be Tommy's partner in crime and go after a certain red heated brat."

"A certain red-headed brat, huh?" kisses you passionately on the lips."Is that so?"

"Oh yeah." You say, "She is absolutely bad ass, she is incredibly hot, and damn have you seen those biceps?"

She smiles "Oh I most certainly have. How could I forget." She smirks."I just knew you had good taste."

"But why would I go after the fictional Ziggy Berman when I have the real one, right in front of me?"

She blushes. "Oh quit it, babe, you'll make me blush."

"Oh no!" you say sarcastically."She's blushing. She must be hung for her crimes!"

She gives you a look "Oh stop it... you flirt."

"Look at how pretty the fall leaves are."

"Stop trying to change the subject. You started to flirt with me, deal with it."

"It's litrally All Too Well." You gasp

"I know," she smirks. "...you really like that short film, huh?"

"I only like it so much because my beautiful girlfriend is the main character."

She blushes again. "You always know what to say, don't you."

"We fell in love in October." You start to sing their favorite song

Sadie finishes lyrics with you, "and that's why I love fall." She kisses you on the nose."I love you baby...so much."

"I love you too, baby." You say,"I couldn't ask for a more perfect girlfriend."

"I'm the lucky one...I got my dream girl."

"I love you so much."

She pulls you close. "I love you more."

749 words.

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