Car Sick

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You and Sadie are on a road trip

You get in the passenger seat of the car, and Sadie pulls out of the driveway. You start playing music, and you two begin to jam out.

Whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house
There's some whores in this house

You and Sadie both look at each other and laugh.

"I said certified freak seven days a week." You both sing

"WET ASS PUSSY" Sadie sings and you both laugh.

You both continue to jam out to music for about an hour.

"Hey babe?" You say

"Yeah?" She says, turning the music down so she can hear to you

"Is it okay if I take a little nap?" You ask

"Yeah, of course. Are you feeling car sick?" She says a little worried.

"No." You lie

"Are you sure?" She asks persistently

"Yeah, I'm fine."

You rest your head on your arm and fall asleep for about an hour.

Sadie listens to music quietly while you sleep.

"Yeah you fucking with some wet ass pussy." She sings in a whisper.

About an hour later

As you slowly wake up, you feel a sharp pain in your stomach. You open your eyes and clutch your stomach. You start to feel it rising in your throat, and you quickly sit up.

She looks over at you and knows exactly what is going on.

"Baby?" She says to you. "Do you want me to pull over?"

"Yeah," you cough out

Before she can pull over, you projectile vomit all over the dashboard of Sadies car.

"I'm sorry," you gag

"No hey, hey it's ok," she says, pulling over "Here Let's get you out of the car."

"Mhnmm." You moan and clutch your stomach.

You open the door and fall out onto the grass that's on the side of the road. You fall onto your hands and knees. Sadie quickly gets out and rushes around the car to get to you.

"Here baby come here." She says helping you up.

You groan as she helps you to stand and you clutch your stomach.

She wraps one arm around your chest to help you stand. With the other hand she rubs your back.

"Shhhhh it's okay baby." She whispers "you think you got it all out?"

As soon as the words escape her mouth you bend over and throw up onto the grass. Once it is all out you cough and gasp for air.

"Bleghh" she groans quietly.

You feel bad a because you can tell she is grossed out.

"I'm- I'm sorry." You gag.

"Hey, hey no it's okay." She says "it's partly my fault because I forgot to give your your medicine."

All of a sudden you feel extremely weak and you collapse. Your knees buckle and you fall backwards into Sadie.

"Shit." She says and catches you.

You put your hand to your head and groan. Sadie sets you on the ground and leans you up against the backseat door. She kneels down next to you.

"Baby are you ok?" She says putting her hand on your shoulder.

Sadie Sink OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now