The Incident pt3

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Sadie's G!p. Smut. ⚠️R@PE⚠️

"No stop please" Sadie begs

"Shut up. You witch. I'm going to do whatever I want"

"No please" Sadie crys

She unbuttons Sadie's trousers

"STOP" Sadie yells

"Shut up"


You hear Sadie yelling upstairs


You jump up and run upstairs.  You burst into the bedroom ready to fight someone.

You see Sadie lying in bed. She is having a nightmare. She starts kicking and screaming.

You run over to the bed. You kneel down next to her and put your hand on Sadie's shoulder.

"Sadie baby wake up." You say shaking her shoulder.

She wakes and frantically sits up. She looks around the room. She spots you and takes a deep breath.

You sit down on the bed.

"Hey hey Shhhhhhhhh come here." You say pulling her into your lap

She begins to sob into your chest.

"Hey, Shhhhhhhhh it's ok baby." You say rubbing her back "it's just a dream okay. I'm right here it's gonna be ok."

You wonder why she is so worked up about this. She shouldn't be having a nightmare about it if it was all in her head. You start to think maybe she is right.

"Do you want to tell me what happened love?"

"Mhmm" she says her face buried in your chest

"K-Kendall sh-e she. We were f-filming a sex- a ss-cene and, and she, she" she bursts into tears and holds you close.

"Shhhhh it's ok baby" you say running your fingers through her hair.

"I'm sorry y/n I cant" she crys

"Heyyyy" you say taking her face in your palms "look at me baby. It's okay alright."

"Ok" she sniffles

"Do you want to go to set and figure this all out?" You say calmly

"Mhmm" she nods

You help Sadie get dressed and ready.

Your in the car driving to set. You look over at Sadie she has a nervous look on her face.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, alright. I'm gonna be with you the whole time." You say grabbing her hand.

You pull into the parking lot and park the car. You open the door and Sadie quickly gets out and runs over to you. You get out of the car and she instantly grabs your hand.

"Hey, its gonna be fine, okay. Whatever happened yesterday were gonna figure it out, together"

You walk twords set and Sadie clings onto your arm. When you get closer to set you see Alexa talking to some crew members. She spots you and wraps up her conversation.

She runs over to you with a smile on her face.

"Hey y/n" she says "good to see you"

"Hey Alexa good to see you too."

"Hey you" She says to Sadie "how are you feeling."

Sadie looks up at you.

"She's doing alright" you say. "Hey, I was wondering if we could look at the security footage in Sadie's trailer from yesterday?"

Sadie Sink Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن