Come Over: The incident pt2

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Sadie was on set filming a spicy scene with a co star she stared thinking about y/n and got a little excited. She got really embarrassed and ran to her trailer. Co star comes in and finds out about Sadie's G!p. Co star proceeds to r@pe Sadie telling her she will get in trouble if she tells anyone. Sadie gets away and rushes home. Co star makes the exuce that she walked in on Sadie masturbating so Sadie got nervous and had a panic attack. That about sums it up if you didn't real the first part.

Sadie's G!p.

"Y/n!?" Sadie yells busting through the front door.

"Y/n where are you?!" She cries

"Sadie?!" You yell from upstairs.

"Y/n!?" Sadie yells.

"Baby, I thought you were on set." You say coming down the stairs. "What are you doing hom-"

You stop in your tracks when you see Sadie standing there hyperventilating, in a robe with no boxers on, and tears streaming down her face.

"Baby, heyyy what happened?" You Ask coming towards Sadie.

She runs towards you. You take her into your arms as she begins to cry and hyperventilate into your neck.

"Hey baby, what happened?" You ask, moving her robe to see that she was naked.

This completely sets her off, and she pulls away from you with a terrified look.

"Hey, hey, it's ok.." You say stepping twords her. "Baby, it's me. I'm not going to hurt you."

She continues to step back, crying and breathing heavily.

" Baby, it's me." You say, knowing that she can hallucinate when she's having a panic attack. "It's me, baby. I'm not gonna hurt you."

She continues to back up till she hits the wall. She has the most terrified look on her face.

"Baby, it's ok. You are ok. It's me Sadie. It's me." You say with your hands out in front of you. You continue to slowly step twords her.

She slides down the wall and curls up into a ball on the floor.

You slowly approach Sadie so you don't startle her.

"Hey baby?" You ask, putting your hand on her shoulder.

She lunges into your arms and grips you tightly.

"Hey, hey hey Shhhhhhhhh. It's ok, Sadie. No one's gonna hurt you. It wasn't real, okay? It was all in your head. There is nothing to worry about. I'm right here okay no one is going to hurt you, Sadie. It's ok, baby girl. im right here." You say running your fingers through her hair.

She is still hyperventilating, and you are scared she is going to pass out.

"Hay, baby." You say, taking her face in your palms. "Match my breathing, okay? Can you do that for me, baby?"

"Mmmm," she nods.

She starts to slow her breathing down.

You breathe deeply. "Here, match my breathing, ok love."

She start to take deep breaths.

"Good job, baby." You say as if you were talking to a little kid.

Suddenly, you see Sadie's co-star come through the door. Sadie turns in her direction and completely freaks out. She starts screaming and yelling.

She kicks she floor to try and back up. She hits the wall and tries to keep backing up.

"Hey Hey, Hey Sadie baby, you're ok." You say coming close to her.

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