Allergic Reaction

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"Come on babe were gonna be late." You say to Sadie.

"Got them." She says.

"Where?" You ask.

"Where the keys always are." She says,"My pocket."

"Oh my gosh." You say.

Time jump

"Hey guys." Millie says, letting you in.

"Hey Mills." Sadie says.

"Hi Millie." You say.

"Food is in the kitchen." She says.

You guys sit down to watch a movie. You cuddle up next to Sadie. It's a horror movie. You hate horror movies.

"Ahhh." You scream as a jump scare flashes across the screen.

"Hahaha." Sadie laughs.

"I'm gonna go get a snack." You whisper.

"Okay." She says, giving you a peck on the lips.

You go to the kitchen. You see some cake bread looking stuff.

"Ooh." You say.

"Hey Mills, does this have nuts?" You ask.

"No, you're good." She says, not really paying attention to you.

You grab a little piece and take a bite. It tastes amazing. You go and sit down back next to Sadie. You take another few bites of the bread, and you instantly feel it.

Your throat starts to get itchy. You stop in your tracks and put the plate on the coffee table. Sadie sees this.

"You okay?" She says.

"Mhmm." You mumble.

After five minutes, you begin to get restless.

"Baby, are you okay?" She asks, putting her hand on your shoulder.

"Mhmm." You mumble.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"I just need to use the toilet." You mumble.

You get up and walk to the washroom. Before you get there, you can't hold it back anymore, and you begin to cry.

"I'll be right back." Sadie says.

She follows you to the washroom. She opens the door, and you are on the floor crying.

"Oh baby."She says.

"Sadie," you cry

"It's okay, baby." She says, kneeling down next to you.

"Sadie." You mumble.

"What happened y/n?" She says.

"Nmmmmn," you mumble

"Are you having an allergic reaction, babe?" She says. "Your neck look."

She touches the side of your neck it is all red and cover in hives.

"Ohhh baby." She says,"Come here."

She pulls you into a hug and gives you a kiss.

"Fuck." You gag.

You rush to the toilet and throw up into it.

She scoots over to you and rubs your back as you throw up again.

"You guys okay?" Caleb asks opening the door.

He sees you throwing up.

"Y/n what happened?!" He asks.

"She's having an allergic reaction Caleb." Sadie says not taking her eyes off you.

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