It's You...👠

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˖𝕴𝖙'𝖘 𝖄𝖔𝖚˖


Eijirou couldn't believe he listened to his friends. Well, it was more of him getting shoved and dragged along by Sero while Denki gave a very convincing argument.

"Dude... You're always busy!...And no offense, but you hole yourself up in your house whenever you're not working at Might's... Get laid dude..."

Denki had said. And unfortunately, it was true. Eijirou worked at Might's Elementary School and whenever he was off work, he spent his time in his house by the sea or probably surfing somewhere that noone could see him. They lived in a small town. Though it was a remote location by the seashore, it still had the various amenities a town needed. They were currently far away from there though. In the city. He couldn't believe he drove all the way just to hookup at the closest brothel. And Denki was at his own house with his wife and kid for fuck's sake.

"Don't worry....You'll be fine... Just have some fun..."

Sero had said before disappearing into one of the rooms for 'entertainment'. He should have replied to their 'help' with a "No thank you" or a "Fuck you" like Katsuki would have said but he didn't. They were really trying to help. They knew about how much he'd changed since she left.


He hadn't seen her in eight or maybe nine years. That was enough time for him to get over her but he couldn't. He just couldn't. He had been in love with her since they were little but he never had the courage to tell her. He was afraid it would mess up their friendship.

She had been with him since grade school. Well, it was expected since they lived in a small town. He had been more timid and closed off till he was around the age of thirteen. He started being more open after he watched a TV show about the CRIMSON RIOT with Mina. She had said she found the hero cool so he wanted to be just like him so he could impress her. He dyed his hair red and grew out if his timid nature so he could impress her. In the end she gave him the nickname "Red". He still left his hair in it's crimson colour for her. Hoping he'd see her again.

He was currently dressed in a white shirt and dark blue jeans. His green overcoat had a fur hoodie to help block out the cold. He had long stopped gelling his hair up so the long shoulder length mass of crimson locks was in a low ponytail. The roots were black. He hadn't remembered to redye it yet.

"Your room is ready, Sir." A short woman dressed in nothing but what he could consider as tight fitting underwear informed him. Her blonde hair bounced in her shoulders as she turned to show him where to go. Actually, everyone was short compared to his 6'4 height. He already knew he was huge. He was just glad the kids at school didn't think he was a big scary giant. That would be an awful mix for his job. He loved children after all.

I guess Sero must've paid for it....

He quietly followed the young woman. His heavy brown boats padded against the floor though the sound was drowned by the loud music. They reached a quieter side of the club. The fancy neon lights weren't very flashy over here. It was more on the cooler side with dark blue and purple tones to set the mood.

He heard a few unsettling sounds from the rooms that they passed by. He shuddered a bit. He wasn't a virgin by any means. He had his fair share of women. But it was more of one night stands when visiting the city. Most people claimed he had a high sex appeal. Him being all big and strong. He wished he could just forget about that pink haired girl that he had loved for years but he couldn't.

Freedom (Eijirou Kirishima X Mina Ashido) AuWhere stories live. Discover now