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Tw!!! This chapter has some torture scenes.

Annabeth's POV

I woke up to a horrible smell. It seemed like a mixture of gasoline and nail polish, which by the way is disgusting. I was in a dark room so I couldn't see much but what I did see terrified me. There was a table covered with all types of torture devices, a chain on the back wall that is where Charlotte is. Thankfully she's still sleeping, or else this would be a lot worse than it already was. And do you want to know the thing that surprised me most?

I was terrified.

I had no idea what to do. When my gf needs me the most I have no idea what to do. I hated it. Suddenly a loud clang came fresh m right in front of me and a person wearing a pitch black coat came in. She made a beeline straight for Charlotte who was still sleeping.
"Please don't take her! Take me instead!" I pleaded.
The person didn't react and kept undoing Char Chars bonds. Finally after screaming for a while I finally got their attention.
"What do you want!" They snapped. I think it was a girl based off of the voice.
"Leave Charlotte alone!" I screamed.
"Shut up!" She yelled. I tried to fight her charmspeak but somehow I couldn't. I was left trying to scream but nothing coming out of my mouth.
The girl had finally undone Charlotte's chains and was now hoisting her over her shoulder.
On the way out she mumbled something and I was able to talk again.
This is horrible.

Hannah's POV

I was getting ready to torture our guest's when Irene walked in.
"Hey Hannah, I got Charlotte what do you want me to do now?" My bestie asked.
"Oh uh, bring her in I'll to watch Annabeth get tortured. I need her in there for it, I have a plan. Just make sure you hold her back so she doesn't rush up to me." I replied, a plan already forming in my head.
Irene then left me to continue getting ready. I had a black t shirt and blue jeans. I looked like an executioner. No matter, I was ready.
I started to descend the stairs. This was going to be fun.
I couldn't wait to see Annabeth's face! It would be so satisfying. This would be way little torture compared with what she did to Percy. Like, come on man! Personal loyalty is his fatal flaw! I finally got all the way down to the dungeon and unlocked the big metal door separating me from the cells. I slowly opened it and made sure no one was by the other side before I swung it open. I walked towards a particularly horrible cell and looked in. Yep. There was Annabeth. I unlocked the door and quickly stepped in and closed it quickly. Annabeth looked up at me. She looked miserable. It was hilarious! I couldn't wait for that face to turn emotionless.
"What do you want?! You've already betrayed me enough!" She yelled.
"You're going to have to learn not to yell at your captors, aren't you?" I said annoying her as much as possible.
She scoffed. "And if I don't?!" I couldn't believe the pure dumbness of this girl. I quickly tied my hair up into a ponytail and walked over to Irene who was already there and waiting with Charlotte. I could see that she was trying to resist Irene's charm speak but to no avail. As I finally made it to them I heard Irene trying to control the girl with the very very strong charmspeak that she has.
"JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!!!!!!!!!" Irene yelled, charm thick in her voice. Suddenly Charlotte could not speak. Her mouth would open and close but no sound would come out.
"Hey Irene. I hope our prisoner hasn't caused you any trouble. I would hate to torture them so soon." I said with a smirk. At this Charlotte looked horrified and stopped trying to speak and stopped struggling at her bonds.
"Eh. She hasn't been too well. Once she tried to escape and run away. But I'm still wondering, where in chaos did you think you could go? Remember how easy it was to infiltrate your little precious camp. I had no idea you would be that stupid and naive." Irene said with a snort. It was amusing to watch the horror creep onto Charlottes face.
" Speak you useless brat!" Irene yelled when she didn't answer her question. I didn't feel like defending Charlotte so I let the unfairness go. I couldn't wait for her turn to be tortured, I let it go because I was bored and might as well see the beautiful girl dispare at the unfairness of the situation.
"I'd better get back to my business Irene." I waved and bent down to about Charlotte's height cause she had been forced to kneel on the cold hard stone floor. I tilted her chin up so I could look her straight in the eyes and I whispered, "You had better behave or else you might be faced with some very hard decisions. Or of course I could make arrangements for you to be in the same spot as Annabeth. Either way, you'd have no choice in the matter. Lord Percy does. All of your puny little demigod friends will die, and it's all going to be your fault!" I whispered. Trying to get her mad and manipulate her.
Sadly she didn't say anything back so I walked away and over to our over prisoner. I walked over to the table that had all of our torture devices. I picked up the hammer and started to walk over to Annabeth very slowly so that the sense of dread could sink in and terrify her even more. Finally I got to her and she was already begging for me not to do it. "Please don't do this! I'm sorry for everything I did!" She begged. Somehow she had ended kneeling at my feet.
"Well then maybe you should have thought of this before you broke Percy's heart! You will learn something about me, and that is that I'm very protective over my friends!" I yelled before I slammed the hammer down on her hands and feel so hard that you could hear the bones shatter. I could hear Charlotte screaming from the other side of the room.
I went back to the table and grabbed another thing. This time it was a lead pipe. Annabeth's eyes got huge with horror as I crept towards her, an evil smile on my face. I kept hitting her with it over and over until she passed out. I then walked over to Irene in silence and took Charlottes bonds and dragged her along with me. I took her to another one of our torture rooms and started to torture her instead. She would constantly cry out and beg me to stop, but I never would. If anything, it just made me hurt her even more.
"Next time you'll learn to keep your mouth shut while I'm busy, right?!" I said as I cut the side of her face with my knife. She cried out in pain but I didn't care.
She was going to get what she deserved for dating Annabeth, everyone was going to get what they deserve. Even if I did love her, I couldn't let my emotions stop me from doing what is needed. I am prepared to do anything for the black wolf. They had my full loyalty. At one time the camps had that loyalty.

Not anymore.

Charlotte's POV

I couldn't believe the cruelty of these creatures! Hannah was torturing Annie and I was crying out with all of the voice I had.
"Quite brat! Or else you're going to be next! Now, SHUT UP!!!" Luckily the girl who was holding me hadn't used the very powerful charmspeak I knew that she had. Afterword Hannah came and grabbed me and led me through the maze of cells to get to another torture room. To say the least, I was terrified. Once we got there she chained me to the wall and went to the table with all of the torture devices. Then she came back over to me carrying a very sharp looking knife.
"Next time you'll learn to keep your mouth shut while I'm busy, right?!" She yelled before drawing her knife across the side of my face. I screamed out in pain and begged her to stop. Of course, it did not work. If anything I think it just made her even more angry. So that's a no. I had to think. I was a daughter of Athena, blessed by Hestia. I could do this.
As Hannah drew the knife acrosss my face again. I realized something.

I was stuck in the den of a lion with all the cubs.

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