Black Wolf

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Time skip (5 years later)

Percy's POV

I had just called a Black Wolf (a/n that's what they called themselves) council meeting and was now waiting for them to arrive. Pretty soon the council members started to trickle in. Hannah sat next to me and Irene, Alex and pretty much all of my commanders and lieutenants were sitting on chairs next to the long table, much better than a ping pong table. And then I started the meeting.

"Okay everyone, I called this meeting to discuss how we are going to spoil our enemy's plans. Hannah the time has come for you to do you're job. Are you ready?" I asked Hannah and she nodded her head. I concentrated and pulled the mist to cover up my best friend, I also made the gods think that Hannah was a child of Ares. I nodded and created a portal for her to walk through and also assigned some monsters to chase her to the camp border. The monster would try its best not to harm her but it needed to make the fight look convincing.

She walked through and after she got all the way through the portal closed instantly. She would appear in the woods a mile from the border and would have to run to get there before the monster did.

Jason's POV

I was walking to the dining pavilion for lunch when I heard a scream echo through the woods. I quickly ran to the border to see what was happening. I drew my gladius ready to charge the hellhounds but then I saw a girl around 13 running from them. She was screaming and looking back at the hellhounds as if to make sure they weren't getting to close. Just then she got to the border and collapsed in front of Thalia's tree. I ran to her and picked her up and carried her to the infirmary. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful her eyes and hair were, She had strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes that I could only see for a second before she went unconscious.

As soon as I got to the infirmary Will rushed out and helped me carry her inside.

"Who is she?" Will asked once we were finished putting her on the bed.

"New camper. came in the border just before she collapsed. Hellhounds were chasing her." I answered. Will nodded.

"It seems like every time there's a monster attack Perce chooses different monsters. They can't be all he has though, he's waiting for something big. And I'm afraid that something big will be soon."

Little did they know that The girl in the bed wasn't actually unconscious, she was just laying very still, listening to their conversation.

"Anyways, we have a council meeting this afternoon that we have to get to. Chiron said that there was something important to talk about. Hopefully its not about another one of the Stoll's pranks." I shivered thinking about the creepy makeup on hippie Zeus in my cabin.

My mind couldn't hep but drift off to Percy, He was one of my best friends, and just like that he turned into my enemy. He used to be so funny and goofy, now all that remained was a cold, hard shell that took a lot to break. Of course you are the reason he's like that, Jason. I tried to think of something else but I couldn't. It's your fault. He would have done anything for you. But what would you do for him? My stupid brain asked me. you deserve this. I had to get out so I ran to the D.P., (a/n it stands for dining pavilion cause i'm too lazy) and grabbed some food before heading to the big house.

When I got there everyone was already at there spots at the ping pong table. I sat down at mine and we started the meeting.

Hannah's POV

I laid in the bed until I was sure there was no one there then I leapt up and ran outside to spy on the meeting in the big house.

"... have to take precautions. Hephaestus and Ares cabins you guys work on land mines, Athena cabin you'll work on the strategy. Demeter cabin you go practice growing vines to strangle the monsters. And that's all, meting adjourned." That was all I could hear as the councilers slowly trickled out. No vital news for the Black Wolf yet. I ran back to the infirmary and acted like I had just woken up. Will and a few other Apollo kids walked in and saw I was awake.

"Hi! Are you feeling okay?" Will asked as I got to my feet unsteadily and walked over to the window.

"Wh-What is this place?" I asked faking a look of confusion. Apparently he bought it, cause he started to explain the weaker deitys. I paid no attention cause I've heard all of this before, Infact I wasn't listening at all before someone said my best friends name.

"Percy Jackson came here a while ago and he was probably the most powerful demigod we've ever had. He ran away because of us and strangely while we all should feel guilty we don't. We think Percy deserved what he got coming. He was always fighting with Jason and trying to be the leader of everyone." Annabeth said coming up behind Will. I had to fight hard not to rip out my half sister's guts and make her eat them. Instead I calmly went outside to enjoy some fresh air. Alaska doesn't have the best weather for hanging out outside. Annableh (yes i spelled it this way on purpose) followed me outside for some reason and started to talk to me.

"You know, I've been here since I was seven and barely anything has changed. Campers come and go, Percy was one of them. I used to date him, you know? But he changed and i couldn't deal with him anymore. I got a better boyfriend and have been happy ever since." She stopped and I clenched my fist try to subside the now boiling rage that was building up inside me. I just gave her an awkward smile and walked off in a different direction. She was the person who had broke my best friend. I would hate her until the end of time and even in the underworld i would hate her with all of my guts. I would make sure she got a special punishment when we take over Olympus, I will ask Percy if I could deal with her.

I sat down by the lake and watched the water. it was very peaceful, anyime I missed Percy I could come down here and I would feel better. Even though his sea green eyes now have red and black streaks in them. His eyes aren't really even sea green anymore, they are more like the color of poison. He was perfect though, he understood me, I would do anything for him and he would do the same. I didn't notice that someone was walking up to me. I immediatly recognised it as Jason, but for the sake of my mission i acted confused.

"Who are you?!" I tried to make alarm go up in my voice and apparently it worked.

He laughed. "I'm Jason, I'm the one who brought you to the infirmary, remember?" He asked.

"Yeah. What do you want, I'm trying to have alone time here!" I said while throwing my hands up and walking away.

Time skip

At the campfire is when Percy said I'd get claimed by Ares. Luckily Rachel is going to be gone for a few months so she can't ruin my disguise. I walked down and the bonfire had already started. when I was halfway through roasting my first marshmellow I saw a faint red light coming from above my head. I sighed an put on my confused face as everyone started to go silent looking at me. Chiron stood up and walked over and kneeled, the rest of camp following.

"All hail, Hannah Omadri. Daughter of Ares, The god of war, and courage." Chiron got back up and the campers followed suit. Chatter instantly erupted, I knew what everyone had one subject on their mind, me.

a/n  sorry about this chapter taking so long, I just started school and I haven't had much time. Here's a longer chapter than I normally do cause I probably won't post for a while. Please comment and vote, it's really appreciated. Have a good day!

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