The capture

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⬆️this is what I imagine Hannah to look like

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⬆️this is what I imagine Hannah to look like

Hannah's POV

The new prophecy can mean only one thing. Percy will win this war and defeat the gods. The sad thing however is that they have no idea what is happening before their eyes. The cute girl Charlotte I found out has been going out with Annabeth behind Brian's back. For all I know Brian even knows about but just doesn't care. All the better though, this way I would be able to hurt Annabeth more than just physically, I could hurt her emotionally as well. All was going according to plan. We were going to capture Charlotte and use her as leverage against the demigods. Especially Annabeth. ONCE she was captured I would leave her to bedPercy's third in command, Irene. Who is the only one on our side that is able to control a person and their actions without any trouble. For example, last year she was able to charmspeak a boy into hitting his face over and over for a year. Pretty impressive right? Anyway, she was my best friend in the army, except for Percy of course. I have already informed him of the new prophecy and he has agreed that it has to mean we will win. Oh I love the smell of victory. And more good news, I get to leave this horrible camp in two days! I'm so excited.
The next day

So change of plans, we are actually going to kidnap Annabeth as well. But we are going to let her go one day before we attack Olympus. Today they have a war council to discuss plans for tomorrow. No way those puny demigods will win, the oracle has confirmed this. Of course, it could have a double meaning but I have no idea what that would be. No one really knows what a prophecy means until it happens. But anyway, today was day 8 of getting closer to Charlotte and Annabeth so we were going to hang out in Manhattan this afternoon so that they would trust and 'know' me better.
That afternoon
"Hey Annabeth, Charlotte. You guys ready?" I asked, knowing what they will say.
"Yep!" They said in perfect sync. They then bust out laughing. I was able to manage out a little giggle without throwing up.
We then took a taxi over to a coffee shop and placed our orders before talking about life. Except for mine, I just made up a random backstory that made sense and they thankfully bought it. You would think my half sister would be smarter. Soon she will know where my true loyalties lie.
"So, Hannah. How did you know how to get to camp without a saytr guide? I don't mean to get personal but I am really curious." Charlotte asked.
Great now I have to make up something, fast.
"Oh um, my foster parents had supposedly came there and they sent me off cause they didn't want anything to do with me then." I replied quickly. Trying not to look guilty.
"Oh. Sorry for it being so personal." Annabeth said for Charlotte who was fighting her brain it seemed like.
"But it's fine. I'm used to being unwanted." I said sadly.
Charlotte then did something I was not expecting.
She came over and hugged me. And it wasn't some half hearted hug, it was a good big hug. I may or may not have let a tear trace it's way down my cheek. Oh dam was this next day gonna be hard.
I have to remember my mission though, I can't get distracted or else all my family will suffer. And no, not this weak family that has never been there for me, I meant my family over in the black wolf. They, unlike them, have been there for me through everything.

The day of the battle of camp half blood

Apparently the Roman's have finally agreed to help the Greeks on the one condition that if they break the already thin trust that they would suffer without the help of Rome. This means one more camp that we have to deal with.
Here's the battle plan for me. So I will sneak away from camp an hour before Percy attacks and go find them and do a last minute war council so we are all on the same page. Then I will charge into the camp with all my armor on so hopefully no one will see me, I will fight for approximately 15 minutes before I break away from the battle and change out of my armor. I will then find Annabeth and Charlotte and trick them into eating a sleeping potion that I had one of the Hecate kids make. Saying it was for the other side, which is still true. They will both pass out and I will carry them back to our base where I will drop them off before I continue fighting without my armor so they can see who i am.

Time skip to the battle

I just was able to cut away and take my armor off with no problem. Now all I need to do is find Annabeth and Charlotte. Oh there they are.
I started to run towards them, faster and faster then before. When I finally got there Annabeth looked up in surprise not knowing if I was alive or not and grateful that I wasn't. She'll regret ever being worried abt me.
"HANNAH!!! I thought you were dead!!!" Charlotte exclaimed.
"Come on, have a little more faith in me than that." I said, humor evident in my voice.
"Here have some nectar that I got from the command tent." I said offering them both the potion. Too stupid to actually smell it they drank it all and started to wobble all over. Finally they passed out and I was able to carry them to our command tent. I then started to battle again, Percy and Irene at my side.
"Hey guys, miss me." I asked them while slicing through a demigod that I think was from the Demeter cabins, armor.
Before they could reply I could hear a roar of defiance as I saw Nathan running towards me.
"I got this guys, call me when we retreat." I said before running to meet Nathan in battle.
Oh man, this was going to be fun.
"HANNAH!!!!! I TRUSTED YOU!!!! How dare you betray me!!!" He yelled. Suddenly all of the battle just turned to a gentle hum in my ears. All my attention was on this stubborn son of Demeter.
"Oh little Nathan, when will you learn that people will never stay unless you make them? Plus you already had your chance to convince me not to join Percy." I stopped for a moment and nodded at Percy, this being our sign that he could turn off the mist around me.

"Remember me?!!!"

Annabeth's POV

The last thing that I remembered was a bag closing around me. I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier. It was the strangest kind of sleep I've ever experienced though, I was able to sense everything around me but I just wasn't able to open my eyes or see anything. To say the least, I was terrified. I had no idea what would happen to me, I was also confused. And I hated being confused. What had happened to Hannah? Why did I pass out from the nectar? So many questions were buzzing around my brain. Suddenly a loud shout was heard from the battlefield, it was a little muffled since we were in a supposed tent. This, of course was just a guess. Anyway.
"HANNAH!!!!! I TRUSTED YOU!!!" Someone yelled. He said something else but I couldn't understand it from here. I bet Hannah was spying on Percy and Percy is the one that's yelling. Hopefully.

Percy's POV

All was going according to plan. Hannah had kidnapped the two girls and had tucked them aside. The only thing that was keeping me from falling back was Hannah's fight with the son of Demeter. It was interesting to see the heartbreak and betrayal on his face. I think I enjoyed it more than Hannah did. Finally Hannah made the winning slash and stabbed his arm and leg so that he could no longer move.
"Fall back!" I yelled. Not because we were being overpowered, actually it was the opposite. But I couldn't have all the demigods die. For that would ruin my plan. We all were about 3 miles away when I called our transportation over. Pegasi. Of course they were specially trained for us they could carry a whole bunch of weight. For example, Hannah was carrying both her and our new prisoners on her Pegasus and it is doing just fine.
"Okay team, move out"

A/n Word count, 1,477 words
So how do you guys like the story so far? I'm really trying hard to make it the best as I possibly can. Please comment if you have any suggestions. Also, what do you guys think of the prophecy that I made?

Write with ya later

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