Chapter 5

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I recovered from the blow, my elbow ached as I smashed into the wall with elbow in contact first. I saw riptide, where he bended over a body. The crowd scattered in panic and fright, the room completely in chaos. I waded my way over and realised that Riptide was crying, Tears rained down from his eyes as he mourned the loss of his father, Galactica. His face was twisted into an unrecognizable state of anger and pain

Comet: I am sorry

Riptide pressed his face against my shoulder and sobbed, as I watched Galactica's dead body in horror. Then a war drone echoed throughout the castle. The ground shook, and suddenly, the Jsabians broke through the castle walls and started their massacre on the crowd

I heard black matter assemble the band of pillars getting ready for the strike, They all cheered before splitting up to defend the crowd

Everywhere, axes, flails, swords and bullets were seen. Blood splattered onto the walls as the sound of metal clashed

I helplessly overlooked the chaos, knowing that innocent geometricians were getting slayed one by one


The laugh directed the attention of all pillars towards the room's doorway, I wasn't excluded. My heart pounded against my chest

He was around 18 years old. He was like the other Jsabians, but we wore black jeans and a jacked, traced with neon pink lines. His face warped with an evil smile


He cackled as he watched the chaos unfurled before him, his eyes beaming with pleasure. After a few seconds, my soul came back and I snapped to attention again, I held up Riptide before wading my way through the double doors at the back

I glanced one more time, before exiting, I saw Blixer standing proudly against the demonic brother who never loved me, meteor

My veins popped with extreme hatred as my gazed darkened, before I made my way out of the castle, bumping into many feared geometricians

The pillars gathered behind the castle, all of them darkened with hate and anger. Saturn's eyes were now blood red, Supernova's tail hair stood on the edge, Blackhole gripped his weapons tighter while counstellation's gaze was on them, her eyebrows knotted into a furrow

Counstellation: What now? Blixer has allied with Meteor?

Hearing the word meteor made me want to throw up

Comet: AAAHHHH, F(^& HIM.

Oasis: Comet, calm down

I punched the castle wall so hard, it nearly shattered the entire wall, leaving gnarly looking cracks.

Saturn: There's some hatred, -sighs-

Comet: Riptide Get the civilians out, this demands for war...

I punched the wall again, creating even more cracks

Riptide: -sniffles- Yes comet, should I seek -sniffles- refuge on another planet?

Comet: Yes, The pillars, hold of the crowd of Jsabians and blixerites. constellation, Sagittarius, Saturn, Extraterrestrial, Oasis and supernova...

I pulled my katana out an pointed at the centre of the circle of us

Comet: Be ready to fight

My Katana suddenly pulsed into a neon blue with steam coming out of it

Comet: Shan't disgrace before death

7 of us broke off from the main circle and made our way back to the castle hall, where Meteor and Blixer had been waiting

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