The beginning

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In a vast universe where fantasy exists, Dragons roamed the universe. But not just our typical fire-breathing dragons, I am talking about dragons that soar across the universe, maintaining the order of it. Every dimension and realm is separated by a special web called the inifinitum, and is only accessible through a rare phenomenon called a Cosmic Cyclone, an explosion in space when a blackhole falls in on itself, creating Echoes and spectres that roam about that place, releasing radiation and a special ore called Spectranite. The cosmic dragons that roam this universe found a way to Harvest the power of the Spectranite to move through realms and dimension. They patrol the universe, maintain its order and peace. Hence, given the title peace-makers of the universe.

The peacemakers, known as the comet Dragons, they formed an alliance with the Enders or the enderman. King Cosmo of the comet dragons and King Endvoid gave each other's trust and would turn to each other in their time of need.

However, the peace will not remain. As time takes it's toll, there were wrongs that were never righted, falls that will never rise, wars that never end in peace. The comet dragons realised that they weren't the only ones who harvested the power of the spectranite, The shadow of the demons from the abyss of darkness, engulfed the city in it's chaos. They attacked cities, tore down capitals and destroyed societies. Not only that, the demons had the ability to break the Infinitum, causing dimensions and realms to clash, leading to madness and chaos

But when there is a shadow, there is also light, the pillars of the universe were formed, 21 brave and divine warriors, from 21 different major dimensions. And this is where, the story of our hero, begins...

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