🩸New Life (pt.38)🩸

Start from the beginning

"Oh." I smiled, kissing the top of her head.

I quickly followed her, passing out while I cradled her in my arms.

About six hours had passed, before I was awake from the sounds of newborn cries, staring at the alarm clock. It was 1 A.M.

"She's...probably hungry." I rubbed my eyes.
"I know, I've got it." Cleo kissed my cheek and got up.

I forced myself to get up and change into pajamas, anyway. My neck hurt from the position I'd fallen asleep in. Although, it was worth it.

Cleo was back in no more than ten minutes.

"I put the formula in the fridge." She told me, casually stripping down to her underwear. Just another Tuesday.

We'd put a mini fridge in the nursery for easy access, since formula could be kept for up to 24 hours.

"Mhm, good job."
I didn't exactly know how she wanted me to answer, I was especially distracted by her completely bare chest.

"Stop staring," she snorted.
"I really can't, I haven't seen them in forever."

She slipped a large cozy sweater on and remained pantless.

"Our sex life is gone, Cleo, do you understand this?"
"You don't sound upset,"

"I am."

"We'll be fine, babydoll." She snorted.

"Yeah, maybe. Give me a break from babies for a while."

"Oh, looks like someone changed her mind." She raised an eyebrow.

"Can't I change my answer? I'd like to reduce that to two. Three max."
She laughed lightly, sealing me into comfort. "I never wanted five, anyway."


The next day, I weaseled my way down the stairs to see Cleo bottle-feeding Melanie. At least she hadn't been topless.

Cleo had read this article that babies developed well with skin to skin contact. It was great she was researching and all, but Cleo with technology was just something that I honestly wasn't sure mixed well.

She had watched porn on my phone with no shame.

God only knew what things she used her own for.

"You are really hot." I muttered, running a sloppy hand through my messy hair.
"Excuse me?"

"With the baby. You're hot."
"I am hot by myself, too."

Without another word, I slowly walked over to them and kissed her.

Melanie let out a small cry, tearing away from her bottle.

"That's just rude," I muttered.

Cleo lightly shook her head, amused, and set the bottle to the side.

"Why do we have a homophobic baby, Cleo?"

She held back a laugh.

I sat down and ran a hand through Melanie's thin blonde hair.

"She's adorable."

"Of course she is, she has your eyes." Cleo answered.

"I am quite cute."

A smile spread across my face as I leaned into her, gently grasping onto Melanie's tiny hand. Her fingers slowly curled around my thumb.

Maybe it was finally then it hit that she knew me as her mother. I was her mother. We had a baby.

It was all I had ever wanted, a real family, one that loved me. Maybe it wasn't what I had been expecting all my life, but it was worth it. All of the shit Cleo and I had been through. I could've cried just seeing my baby. Seeing Cleo holding our baby, her smile when Melanie grabbed onto her finger. She was already a strong little girl.

Although I knew that whatever happened when she grew up, I'd love her forever and unconditionally.

Cleo wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into her waist with a soft smile.

My dreams were slowly piecing together.

My dreams were slowly piecing together

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