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You're welcome elenavelii07

Your pov

Leo's hands crept up my waist and pulled me ontop of him, he smiled up at me kissing my neck with delicacy and playfulness. I giggled and blushed as he did so, his hands pulling at my waist.

"Remember how I said I wasn't intimidated?" He asked softly.

I gulped, "yes..?"

"I'm here to prove that to you~" he smirked and kissed my jawline before he grabbed my back and waist to flip me around. He used one hand to pin my hands above my head as he kissed my neck and the top of my chest. I gasped and eventually melted under his touch, my entire world blurring as he kissed and teased my every being.

Strangely no matter how venerable this is, I always feel safe with him, it might be what makes us work the best. Even as he kisses and softly bites my neck as he slides off my pants, I still notice that his hold is firm but gentle, meaning realistically I could pull away any time, and the look in his gorgeous blue eyes may be covered in lust but it's never short of love and adoration.

I panted heavily as he slid my shirt over my head before taking his own armor and tech off. His hands slid down to my waist and kissed all the way down to my waist line. He then kissed back up my body earning a few moans from me. He then whispered something that made my heart dance out of its chest.

"Angel?" He asked softly.

I had to gasp for air realizing I wasn't breathing, "yea love?"

He sent a sensual kiss on my jawline before whispering, "spread your legs for me please."

Jesus H Christ.

I blushed and smiled before kissing his neck, "gladly.."

I happily did what I was told.I saw a light in his eyes as he smiled, "thank you gorgeous."

He then kissed down my stomach once more, his kisses began around my thighs and stayed there until I was begging him to go where I desperately wanted him. He always, after about ten times, did what I asked and when he did it felt like fireworks all around me. I gasped and held onto the pillow my head rested on as his tongue went to work. I let out numerous gasps and moans and whatever else I said, truthfully it was a blur.

Normally my mind was smooth but when he touched me and made me feel like the only person in the world it was simply a puddle.

I used my other hand to push on his head as he noticed my hips buckling forward. He looked up at me and smiled before kissing my thighs and inserting a finger inside of me. I gasped as my mouth hanged open before he went to work again, curling his finger so it always hit me exactly where he knew I liked it. His tounge continued to flick and tease where I most needed him up until I was practically screaming his name as waves of pleasure washed over me. I was breathing heavily as he smiled and kissed my clit before kissing my neck and cheek.

"I love doing that, especially after you've had a stressful week." He whispered.

I breathed heavily trying to catch my breath, "ah so the boldness is the wedding and making me feel better?"

Leo just shrugged and smiled kissing my neck, "I can't have my girl be stressed now can I? Especially now that it's almost summer and almost our wedding?"

I giggled and kissed him, "how did I get so lucky?"

He smiled, "hm let's see, you got shot in the leg, didn't run off when you saw me for the first time and the rest is history."

Let Me Save You (Leonardo x reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora