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Your pov
I breathed slowly as Leo held me, trying to ground myself from the nightmare.

"Yea.... Thanks.." I said trying to hide how shaken it had made me, partially because-as much as I didn't want to believe it- it wasn't a nightmare.

Leo smiled as his hands stroked the top of my head as he pulled me closer to him, "do you wanna get some food and watch space heros to take your mind off of it?"

I smiled softly and kissed him on the forehead, "of course I do, I'll never say no to that question. If I do it's not me," I giggled as he slowly helped me up taking my hand and sitting me on the
couch, he went into the kitchen to make something as I flipped through the channels trying to find an episode to watch.  As he was cooking food I couldn't help but wonder what the hell that was, I wouldn't be so worried about it if it was just the memory pools( as I like to call them) but that horrifying creature... it was new, and I had no idea what it was.

Leo sad on the couch and handed me a bowl of ramen as I picked my episode, I sighed and rested my head on Leo's shoulder, "you're too good to me."

He chuckled, "no, you deserve it, there's a difference."

I rolled my eyes playfully as he sat next to me, ignoring Mikey's pouting face as he kicked him off the TV.
I watched Space Heros as Captain Ryan defended his ship, but my mind wondered to the nightmare and shook it away as soon as it came. I told Donnie a little over a year ago I didn't want anything to do with this. The weird power, the yelling my name, the weird fact that my mom was in my head and then died again, it was weird and I didn't care for it. Even the telekinesis has for the most part stopped. Apirl offered to help me train it, and I learned the basics but mostly I want a normal life.
I looked over at my mutant fiancé,
Or as normal as I can get.

I drank some of the broth as I got up and informed Leo that I was going to get some water. He nodded as I went out of the living room and into the kitchen, grabbing a glass. I started to turn the foset on as Raph appeared beside me, grabbing an apple out of the fridge.

"Oh hey Raph, how's the.." *i pauased and whispered so Leo couldn't hear me* "vigilante stuff going?"

He let out a soft laugh and looked to make sure the leader wasn't looking, "it's been decent, no pick up on Krang stuff or anything to do with shredder. The basic robbery, a few mutants. Those are the exciting days."

I laughed and leaned against the counter, "I believe it."

Raph sighed and bit into the apple, "do you ever," he paused, "thinking out loud here but..." he looked at Leo once more and then at the apple as he took another bite, "do you ever miss how it used to be? The missions, the fights... I dunno, I kinda miss it."

I turned my head slightly twards the buff turtle, "oh? Why is that?"

He sighed, "it felt like we were more like a team than we are now. Of course we're still brothers but we're all off doing our own things. Leo's got his leader stuff, Donnie does his lab work, Casey does his police work, you're in collage, and Mikey.... Well I don't think he does anything but sit on his shell and train occasionally." He shook his head, "it's kinda lonley."

I looked at him and chuckled as I sipped on my water, "wow, I think that's the most I've ever heard you talk about your feelings, like ever."

Raphael rolled his eyes, "tell anyone and I'll pound you to a pulp."

I mutualted the rolled eyes and laughed, "I'd like to see you-"

"Oh Donnie~!!"

I was interrupted by an April moan as I watched Ralph's face scrunch up in a comically disgusted manner.
"You know what? I think I'll be okay being alone. As long as I don't have to keep hearing that."

I shook my head clearing out an image in my head I'd rather not picture, "I mean even me and Leo weren't that bad..." My words dragged out as I saw Raphs face grow even worse as his mouth went open. He dropped the apple on the counter.
"Jesus, I'm gonna be sick."

I laughed my ass off as he began to take puke as he exited the room. I sighed at the encounter my laugh fading as I sat next to Leo on the couch.
He turned to me and laughed, "what did you say to Raph? I've never seen him took so disgusted."
"Well, after April so rudely interposed my conversation with him by her moans, I made a joke about how me and you aren't even that bad."

Leo's eyes went wide before they creased and he began a laughing fit, "oh that's horrible! So those two are still at it? I mean I don't wanna talk about my brother this way but how.?"

I laughed, "intimidated Leo?"

He looked at me and smirked, "what do you mean by that y/n?" He asked, adding a bit of a warm drag out to my nake that made a shiver go up my spine.

"You know exactly what I mean."

He sighed as he looked back at the TV his grin still not escaping, "how about... when you're well rested, and finals are over... why don't I show you why I'm not intimidated, hm? Sound good?" He turned to me as his eyes grew tired looking and his large hand tilted my chin up, "what do you say Angel?"

I blushed softly and I chuckled, leaning on his shoulder, "I'll keep you up to that my love."

Leo smirked and kissed the top of my head, the moment was pretty nice and peaceful, I couldn't imagine where I'd be had I not met the turtles. I snuggled under Leo's touch and smiled blissfully.


Jesus fucking Christ.

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