11: My Obsession

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"Ah, mmm," Leo sighed softly as our lips met. At that moment, I found solace, a sense of peace, hearing his moan and feeling the warmth of his body pressed against mine.

I believed I could put Leo out of my mind, much like I usually did with past flings, but I was mistaken.

 This past week has been incredibly challenging for me. Despite having exams, I struggled to focus on my studies.

My exam didn't go well. It was a feeling I had never experienced before.

Then, today, when I saw him outside our college with Anay, my heart broke into pieces.

My anger surged beyond control. I despised him with absolute certainty, yet he remained constantly in my thoughts. 

I felt like I was losing my mind. Just a single moment with him and my world turned upside down.

The more I kissed him, the stronger my cravings grew. Leo enveloped me in his arms, pulling me closer, leaving no room for even a breath of air. The only barrier between us was our clothes.

Our tongues collided and moved in harmony as I explored every corner of his mouth. Suddenly, he flipped me over, pinning my back against the wall.

Both of us were gasping for air. The scent of his cigarette-laced breath made my head spin. We broke away from the intense kiss, and he rested his forehead against mine.

Breathing was a struggle for both of us. As I began to feel a bit calmer, I opened my eyes and looked at him, but his eyes remained closed.

His face was as red as a tomato, his lips visibly swollen from our passionate kiss. Watching him, grappling to regain his composure, it felt like my entire world revolved around him.

I knew I didn't harbor any romantic feelings for him, yet the uneasiness I felt at seeing him with someone else perplexed me deeply.

Seeing Leo with Anay made me truly understand my emotions. The memory of how he smiled at her and cared for her lingers in my mind.

He remained by her side all night, not leaving her even for a moment. Reflecting on these moments, a desire emerged within me—I wanted him to treat me the same way.

I longed for him to shower me with his care and affection, just as he does for Anay. 

I crave his care and affection, wanting to be spoiled by his love just as he does for Anay. 

 I could easily indulge him with money, and all I craved was for him to lavish me with love. 

I realize I'm becoming unexpectedly possessive. And now he has become my obsession.

I wanted him to fulfill my desires until I felt content. Despite my intense dislike for him, an inexplicable want for him gnawed at me. I believed that what I desired, I could achieve—no one could deny me that.

"Leo?" Anay's soft voice broke through the moment, and Leo pulled away from me abruptly as if he'd been shot.

"Ouch," I stumbled against the wall.

"Sorry, are you okay?" He asked, panic clear in his eyes as I winced in pain.

I could see genuine concern in his eyes, but it disappeared in a moment, replaced by panic.

"Leo, Alex?" Anay appeared and was taken aback by seeing us together.

"What are you doing here? "

 Leo hurried to her side, holding her hand, making it clear he didn't want any misunderstandings.

I looked at their joined hands and then back at them.

My breath suddenly became rigid, and I felt an overwhelming urge to punch something or someone.

"I was looking for you. But I didn't know you were with Alex. Did I disturb you guys?" Anay said, her gaze shifting between me and Leo, to which I managed a forced, bitter smile.

"No, of course not. Nothing is more important than you," Leo assured her, cupping her cheek. My patience grew thin.

"I know that," Anay smiled, and he kissed the corner of her lips. My heart felt like it stopped.

Those lips are mine. No one can touch what's mine. Anger welled up inside me, and I took long strides towards them.

"Let's go, it's time to end the night," Leo said, and before I could say anything, he led Anay away from there.

"But Alex," I heard Anay saying. "He can take care of himself," Leo replied, and they vanished from my sight. I stood there, seething in anger and frustration.

Anay kissing Leo's lips kept replaying in my mind like a cruel loop. My head was spinning, and I quickly followed them.

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