Phone Call

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"Then you must make a solemn promise to me,"
I began, and Alex promptly nodded in agreement.

"I am ready to do whatever you ask," he affirmed.
Drawing a deep breath, I hesitated, feeling a sense of discomfort.

However, I knew I had to establish some boundaries to prevent any hurt in the long run.
"You need to ensure that our relationship remains a secret. We should only acknowledge each other during our private moments," I stated firmly. He nodded, displaying no hesitation.

"Additionally, we shouldn't meddle in each other's affairs. I won't inquire about your actions or whereabouts, and you're free to go wherever and do whatever you please. I won't seek explanations regarding your personal life, and you must extend the same courtesy to me. If you happen to see me engaged in activities unrelated to you, you must simply walk away, pretending you didn't witness anything,"
I conveyed, maintaining a serious expression. Alex was taken aback by my stipulations, gazing at me with uncertainty.

"Alright, I agree to these terms, but you cannot betray me. I won't tolerate it. You belong to me, and me alone," his voice quivered with anxiety.

"You don't need to worry about that. I won't be with anyone else other than you. However, if you desire, you are free to be with whomever you choose. It won't pose an issue for me," I assured him.

I found myself devoid of any emotional reaction when considering the possibility of Alex being involved with someone else. After all, it's his life, and I cannot dictate how he should live it.

A furrow formed on Alex's forehead, displaying his complete astonishment and shock. His emotional struggle was apparent, and I could see it in his eyes.

Turning on the shower, I shifted my face away from him, signifying that our conversation had concluded.

He remained standing there for a few moments before encircling his arms around my waist, allowing the warm water to cascade down our bodies.
Gently, he planted a warm kiss just behind my neck, and I released a deep sigh.

Uncertain of where this relationship would take us in the future, one thing was clear in my mind: whatever lay ahead, it wouldn't be favorable. I held the belief that I didn't deserve happiness, happiness was the most frightening thing to me.

I couldn't bear to taint Alex's happiness by becoming a blemish in his life.
Embedded in my mind were the words my mother used to tell me-how I seemed to bring bad luck into the lives of those I entered, leaving them plagued by misfortune.

This belief had been etched into my psyche, making me hesitant to embrace happiness.

I carried the burden of fearing that I might cast a dark shadow on Alex's promising future.

It was a relentless worry, a fear that gripped me, making me hesitate to fully invest in our relationship.

I didn't want to tarnish Alex's beautiful journey ahead with my perceived curse of bad luck.

After a while, we left the bathroom, and I handed Alex my clothes.

To my surprise, they fit him perfectly, and a perpetual smile adorned his lips.
Unable to contain my own joy, my lips involuntarily curled into a smile.

Alex settled onto the bed, but just as I was about to sit down, my mobile rang.
My attention shifted to the phone, and upon seeing the number on the screen, my mind raced with thoughts.

I had completely forgotten about it, leaving me transfixed, staring at the screen.
I wanted to reach for the phone, to answer the call, but an odd paralysis seemed to have gripped my body. My breath grew heavy, and sweat started to form on my forehead.

"Leo," Alex's voice sent a shock through me, and I jolted to my feet, horrified.

"Leo, what's wrong?" Alex was equally taken aback, bewildered, and concerned by my reaction. He swiftly rose to his feet, his hands gently cradling my face.

"Babe, what happened?" I was terrified to my core, my eyes fixed on the mobile screen, which continued to flash an unsaved number. I knew exactly who it was.

My fear had reached its peak.
It was my father-the same man who had taken my mother's life.

Alex noticed where my gaze was focused and followed my line of sight.
He bent down to pick up my mobile, but before he could, I swiftly grabbed it and walked out of the room, making my way to the balcony.

My hands were shaking, but I knew I had to answer the call. With a swipe, I accepted the call and held the phone to my ear.

"Where the hell have you been? Why does it take so long to answer a damn phone? Is it too much to ask?" my father's voice, loud and furious, echoed through the phone. I gritted my teeth, struggling to contain my anger, fear, and bitterness.
My grip tightened on the balcony's railing as I struggled to maintain my composure.

"Don't you think you should visit your father? When are you coming to see me?" he demanded, his voice still loud. I swallowed hard, my hand clenching my mobile even tighter.

A few more seconds of this pressure and it would be unbearable. I decided to hang up, closing my eyes in the process.

My father was my biggest nightmare. He had inflicted both physical and mental abuse on me. When I was fifteen, he had taken my mother's life, and he had been imprisoned for it.

Just a few days ago, he had been released, using his criminal connections to secure his freedom.
Since his release, he had relentlessly tried to contact me.

I had no idea how he got my number, but he had been incessantly calling for days. This was the reason for my restlessness of late.
The fear that he might suddenly appear in front of me and provoke actions I shouldn't take had been haunting me.

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