9: Best friend

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"Leo," I heard Anya's voice, and I lifted my eyes from my phone to look at her.

I was waiting outside the medical building, our meeting point for the day. Anya is my best friend, my life. We have been together since school days, she was studying for a doctorate, and she happened to be in the same class as Alex.

Suddenly, my thoughts drifted to Alex. It had been almost a week since I last saw him. Since that day, I hadn't crossed paths with him. He and his friends had completely stopped coming to the bar, probably due to their exams.

Today marked the end of their exams. Furthermore, it was Anya's birthday, which meant I was here to pick her up. I had promised to spend the entire night with her.

"How was your exam?" I asked as she approached me. And my hands tucked around her neck and I place a friendly kiss on her lips.
You are probably thinking why do we kiss if we are just friends but it was our habit since we kissed for the first time in our school day. We love to kiss each other, it was our way to express our commitment to each other. We never truly cared about what people assumed about us.

"It was fine," she sighed deeply as we pulled away.
"Can you believe it? I stayed up all night studying and didn't even take a single nap," she let out, looking visibly exhausted. I reached out and cupped her cheek with my palm.

"I'll take you somewhere, I'm sure it'll help you feel less tired," I offered.

"I'd love that, but I promised my friends I'd throw them a party," Anya replied. I smiled and ruffled her hair.

"That won't be a problem. Just send them the location," I reassured, and she nodded. I grabbed a spare helmet and helped her put it on. As I was securing her helmet, my eyes caught sight of familiar faces just a few steps behind – Alex and his friends were standing there.

My eyes met Alex's, and I could see the boiling anger in his gaze. Swiftly, I averted my eyes and focused on Anya. I smiled at her before mounting my bike.

"Alex," I heard Anya's voice just as I was about to start the engine. My heart raced in my chest.

"Anya," I heard Alex's voice, but I didn't turn my head.

"Your boyfriend here to pick you up?" Aiden quipped, and Anya chuckled. We were just best friends, but we never denied it if people assumed we were a couple.

My grip tightened on the bike handle.

"This is Leo, you probably know him. He's from engineering," Anya introduced, and finally, I turned my head.

"Hi, Leo," Aiden waved, and I managed a forced smile. I hated this group.

"Shall we go?" I asked Anya, trying to move things along.

"It's my birthday today; please come," Anya said, causing my heart to skip a beat. She didn't need to invite them. I could feel Alex's eyes on me, but I acted like I didn't notice and fixed my gaze on Anya.

"Of course, we'll come. Thanks for inviting us," Aiden replied. I had expected them to decline her invitation, but they accepted.

"Thank you," Anya expressed her gratitude to them and got behind me on the bike.

She waved to them before wrapping her arms tightly around my waist, and I drove off, swift like the wind.

After dropping Anya off at her dorm and allowing her some time to get ready, we left for the party. I had organized everything for her at the place where I work.

We arrived at Moon Bar, and Anya's face lit up with delight as she saw the arrangements I had made for her birthday. Colorful lights danced around, creating a vibrant atmosphere. The bar was adorned with shimmering decorations, and the tables were neatly set with cheerful party hats and favors.

"Leo, this is amazing! You've outdone yourself," Anya exclaimed, her eyes brimming with happiness. I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, knowing I had made her birthday special.

"I'm glad you like it," I said, giving her a warm smile. 
"It's your day; let's make it unforgettable"
She leaned over to me, her hands on my chest and her lips landed on mine.

"This is fucking beautiful," She said with bright eyes as we pull away. My eyes darkened the choice of her words.
"Anay, word" She rolled her eyes on me before roaming further.

As the night progressed, the place was filled with friends, laughter, and lively chatter. Anya was the center of attention, as friends gathered around her to celebrate. I mingled with the crowd, making sure everything was going smoothly. 

 I tried my best to focus on Anya and the festivities, but I couldn't help but notice Alex and his friends at a distance.

Alex seemed distant and lost in thought, and our eyes met briefly. There was a flicker of something I couldn't quite place in his eyes before he turned away.

My own emotions were a chaotic mix – frustration, anger, and a strange sense of longing that I couldn't comprehend.

The night was a whirlwind of laughter, dancing, and joy. Anya was the life of the party, her happiness contagious. She danced with friends, enjoyed the delicious food, and even sang along with the live band that had started playing.

As the night drew to a close, and the crowd began to thin out, I found a quiet moment to sit down with Anya. 

"Leo!" Anya called my name excitedly, pulling me back into the present. 

"Let's dance one last time before we leave."

I smiled and stood up, taking her hand as we joined the few remaining people on the dance floor. The music played softly in the background, and we swayed to the rhythm, lost in the moment.

As we danced, I spotted Alex at a distance, his eyes were fixed on us. The tension between us was palpable, yet I tried my best to stay focused but I couldn't move my eyes from him. 

His gaze completely engulfed mine, making me feel suffocated.

"Leo, are you okay?" Anya noticed my expression and inquired. She followed my gaze and spotted Alex.

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