12. Like Father, Like Son

Start from the beginning

Feeling her side pressed into the front of my body made me feel nervous. It wasn't like the time I found her in the forest and simply wanted to claim her as my pet. I didn't understand what these feelings were, but I knew one thing for sure. I never wanted to let her go.

Upon arriving at the bedchamber, I skipped my morning bath and went straight to the office to do some paperwork. The door opened and Roselena came in with a cart after going down for her breakfast. She set the silver platter with a silver cover on the free space of my desk and poured me some water.

"I ordered your favorite, your majesty." She uncovered the platter to reveal eggs and meat with a side of toasted bread and fresh cheese.

I nodded, not giving away that I was salivating like a baby when it caught sight of its mother's bosom.

She moved to clean up the office a bit, and I found myself watching her in interest as I ate. She was always so stiff and prim while working, so I swallowed some water down and asked, "Do you like living in the castle?"

She glanced up at me, her big brown eyes blinking at me for the quickest moment before she looked down at her task of wiping down the windowsill.

"Yes." She said simply.

I raised an eyebrow, "You can be honest. It won't hurt my feelings."

I hoped she would genuinely say yes though. It would help the guilt I felt toward her and her family lessen. Every time I thought of my sister, Roselena came to mind, and it made me think about my own sister being taken. I could easily wage a war against her captors, but Roselena had no such hope.

She was quiet for a moment . Her movements slowed, and she peered outside the window for an unusually long time.

"There are far too many stairs here." She said simply. I noted the melancholy on her face before she offered a polite smile. "But everyone is quite nice here."

I realized she was holding back, and the guilt intensified. I suppose I deserved worse for tearing a young girl away from her family. Even more so for letting her be intimidated by me. I knew she feared me, and until now, I didn't see anything wrong with that. I always said that dogs were more obedient when neutered, but Roselena was not a dog.

I bit my lip as she resumed her cleaning, and I had the urge to ask her about what she missed from home. Perhaps, I could bring a piece of home to her, but I knew that would cross another line. Not only would it cross my own boundaries, but she would no doubt feel uncomfortable by my prying.

Distracting myself, I finished eating and set the platter in the cart before returning to my task at hand. I grabbed the legislation I had been reading, pressed my seal into the ink, and stamped it into the paper.

I felt her lingering gaze and glanced up at Roselena who had quietly drawn closer to the desk, sneaking glances at the paper. I narrowed my eyes at her, seeing her eyes quickly follow each line, and I realized that she knew how to read.

Only the noblewomen I had met knew how to read. Occasionally, merchants' daughters were also given the same education, but Roselena didn't strike me as either.

"You're dismissed." I said it rather forcefully, making her eyes snap up to my intense gaze.

She looked away and bowed her head in respect before moving toward the door. I looked down at my approval of the new bill to enforce magic into the education system of Bermillia and clicked my tongue, "Don't let anyone find out you can read."

Anyone would take it as a reason to suspect her origins, especially with the coronation tomorrow, and I couldn't afford to lose her.

She was halfway across the room when I spoke again, "Don't hate me too much. I'm only doing what I can."

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