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My PoV

Orbiting around the Earth I released another satellite from my airlocks, causing the 78th one to shoot out, and join the others. " Are ye sure that's enough Commander?" Chuckling I turned towards Royal, who was back at base, which was looking good. The Island I found was a chain of three other Islands about the size of Hawaii, and I basically turned them into the Hawaii back from home. " Yup. Just had to make sure they could cover all of the planet. Kinda sucks that Andy hasn't showed up, ever since we ran into that fleet two months ago. How are the other's?" Royal shrugged.

" The five Submarine's are underwater playing, the 20 Battleship's are sunbathing, the three Carriers are swimming, the five Iron Sides are in the kitchen, and the 30 Frigates are docked, and the lone Patrol Ship is sleeping." I sighed, and looked at the Earth. I had built all of them before WW2 standers, except the Submarine's so that we weren't lonely and they weren't super overpowered in this reality. Correction each Battleship is basically a modified Texas, and the Large Cruiser Alaska, and the Carriers are basically Ranger's in build. Everything else is just a hundred years advanced then right now. And of course I retrofitted Royal to be somewhat modern.

" Aight. Hold on I'm reading something." Looking at my Radar, I found Andy's ship, causing me to grin. " Found Andy. And he's not alone. Royal, I want you to take Antonio, and Bismarck Sea and go meet them. Go play with them if you will." Royal's eyes lit up, and she smiled.

" Aye, Commander. I'm on my way." With that the holoscreen turned off, causing me to sigh. Royal can be a bit Akagi at times. Let's just hope she enjoys her 12 inch internal Titanium armor, her four twin Harpoon Missile Launchers, her twin five inch 6 inch gun, and the twin boiler that makes her at least 20 knots fast. And the teleport anchor, to escape back to base in a blink like the others. Oh, who am I kidding. She's going to harass them. Welp while I leave her to that, I'm going to go make America, America.

Royal Fortune's PoV

Coming apone Andy's little group, I came to a full stop. I know he has us in his Radar, so why not wait for them to come to us. " Antonio, Bismarck Sea, send out some plane. Go buzz them." They both nodded, and sent out a squadron of five. One full of P-51 Mustang's and the other F4U Corsair's. I wonder what Alex is doing. Probably colonizing America. Yeah, that sounds like him. Soon I saw ship's in the horizon, causing me to grin.

" Alright crew, get ready." They both nodded and readied their five inch, and AA gun's to battles. While the did this I began playing Fortunate Son to amp the adrenaline. Soon cannons roared, harmlessly bouncing off. Aiming the Missile Launchers, loaded with practice Missiles I fired. Watching as the foam and plastic projectiles headed towards Andy, I turned my guns and fired making sure to either miss or graze them.

" Well, well, well. What do we have here. A bunch of Minger's and Bobolyne's." I could hear the curses from the ships, and their crew. The lead one was a ship I'm more familiar with. " Ah, and if it isn't the Queen Anne's Revenge. A sight for sore eyes." Said ship growled at me. " And oh my. My old ship mate Black Bart. This is indeed a surprise. " The ship also growled at me. " Royal Fortune. A ship that was supposedly sunk. What do you want?" I chuckled, and pointed at Andy who just came up. " My Commander want to see Iwin here." The Pirate's, and ship growled. " And what would thee Commander want with my ship?" I looked at the person who spoke, and saw that it was Jack Sparrow. " Well Jakie boy, my Commander just so happens to be his Brother. And he's been looking for him for awhile now. After all, I'm sure ye have heard of him." I watched as he gained a thoughtful look, before they came to realization. " Ah, Leviathan wasn't it. Very well, me and me crew an fleet have been meaning to meet him. Give us a map and we'll be on our way."

Pulling a map from my pocket, I sailed up to him and handed it to him. " And as a surprise me and my Commander have decided to give you all 3,000 tons of gold coins if you do arrive. And a entire depot of fuel for Irwin here. " Smiling as I saw Andy's eyes widen, I activated the tether and teleported back to base, along with Antonio and Bismarck Sea.

My PoV

After my little adventure to America, which is now at least colonized with trust worthy people, that have WW2 supplies and stuff, I'm now back at base enjoying a nice barbeque. " It is done Commander." Flipping the steak I nodded, and turned to Royal. " Good job. Hopefully they due come. Andy should be almost out of fuel, and ammo by now, if not in a week's time. Plus we need o figure out how to get home. Correction him home, as you and me can go back any time and come back due to the shards." Royal nodded, and walked off stealing my baked potato. She has a weird obsession with them, for some reason. Shaking my head I put my steak on my plate, and turned towards the horizon. " Hope you arrive soon Andy. Life isn't that easy without ya."

Sitting down, I began eating, enjoying the taste, when something caught my attention. At least 30 dots in the distance, causing me to smile. " While I'll be. Their actually coming. Good. All defensives stand down." I watched as all the automated turrets and missiles launchers powered down. Eating, I watched as the dots got closer and closer. Once I finished, I headed down to the docks where I watched as the fleets arrived staring at my ship with horror, and surprise. " Welcome, to Azur Lane. My name is Leviathan, I have a deal and offer for y'all."

A/N: And done. Welp kuwebby2 your up after the MHA chapter.



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