XIII ( Rewritten)

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General PoV

The sounds of gunfire, artillery, and the yells of men and women could be heard, as they fought. And soon one man could be seen charging a group of thirty enemy soldiers by him self. The man lunged forward as he slit the soldiers throat, before using their dead body as a shield, from a incoming volley of bullets. The man drew his side arm and returned fire killing five of them. The man then dropped the dead body, and took cover near a near by wall of sandbags. The man then put a fresh magazine in his sidearm before holstering it, and taking his M1 Garand EBR off his back and went into a prone position. Taking aim thean fire, all eight bullet's from the clip killing eight people, with one bullet to their head. The man then put a new clip in and fired again taking another three out. Realizing that this was being to slow he put the gun on his back and drew his BAR, and fired all twenty rounds at them killing two more. Just as the man was reloading he heard something land next to him. Looking at it he saw that it was a Stielhandgranate. The man quickly grabbed it and threw it back, watching as it exploded in the air.

" Amerikanischer Hund, kapituliere jetzt. Wir haben Sie umzingelt. Nichtbeachtung führt zu Ihrem Tod. " The man growled as he took out a grenade from his pouch and pulled the pin before throwing it at them. He heard their screams of pain as it exploded. Slowly getting out of his cover them man, made his way to his objective. Once he reached it he picked it up and put it in his rucksack. Once he done this, the world around him faded into black. He soon heard someone talking. " Commander Alex Orr, has completed the objective. Number of death's 0. Number of enemies killed 32. Number of respawns 0. " The now named Alex took the visor off his head, coming to the sight of his surroundings which was his classroom.
My PoV

I felt something slap my back. Turning I saw that it was Andy who was smiling at me. " Nicely done Alex." I smiled and stood up stretching as I fully turned to him. " So how did you do?" I sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck before responding. " Not as well as you did. I died twice, has only killed four people, and barely completed the objective." I just laughed. " Still did a good job. Now let's get out of here. I'm starving." Andy gave me a laugh, and nodded before heading towards the door with me in tow. Soon we arrived and ordered our food. Andy ordered Pancit, with a glass of Sweet Tea, while I ordered a extra large bowl of Alligator Jambalaya with a large class of Peach Tea. We spent the next ten minutes discussing our fleets and the improvements we made to them before our food arrived.

" So Alex what do you have planned for tomorrow?" Taking a bite of my jumbo I, shrugged. Swallowing I answered him. " I plan on doing a mission tomorrow." Andy nodded and took a bite out of his food, before asking me another question. " So who all are you bringing?" Taking a drink of my tea I responded. " Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, Amagi, Laffey, Eugen, Baltimore." And gave me a look as he took another bite from his food. " So no Carrier's?" I gave him a confused look before I realized I hadn't told him. " Ah, I see. No I have a Carrier. You see Amagi is a special type of ship. Her ship can transform between a Battlecruiser or a Carrier. " Andy gave me a Ah, face before taking a drink of his tea.

After about five minutes of silence we finished our food, and left to our respective bases. Arriving at mine I headed to my workshop where I saw my project, which was almost completed.

 Arriving at mine I headed to my workshop where I saw my project, which was almost completed

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