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My PoV

" Y'all ready?" I received various answers from my small fleet and crew. It's been about 3 years since me, Missouri, and Belle time traveled, from that dick of a person who's also me.
" Oh, is that so? I can make it a lot worse for you, if ya want?" I shook my head sighing as the other me smirked.

" Good choice. I'll be sending you and the others back to your time that your from. Just know that you have changed the timeline some. Nothing to bad, just some minor changes. Now goodbye." I turned to leave when the other me said one last thing.

" Oh, and don't fuckin break the forth wall." And with that I was hit in the back of the head, causing me to wack my face on the wall of Missouri's ship.
" Cock sucking, mother fucker." Sighing I a observed my fleet that I had gathered. The USS Missouri Frigate, The USS Missouri BB-11, SMS Blücher, SMS Tiger, SMS SMS Bayern, IJN Amagi, IJN Kaga, IJN Kamikaze, USS Prinz Eugen, and USS Nagato, USS Pearl. Don't ask how I got them, just know I'm out about half of my Wisdom Cube's. And don't asked about Pearl being a futuristic ship  Though just because I got them, doesn't mean I didn't do any leveling up. Missouri went from being level 11 to being a level 47. And that's just for sinking Bismarck, Tirpitz, Yamato,  Musashi, Shinano and Akagi. And Yui went from level 1 to level 16 from her encounter with IJN Ise, SMS Baden, and SMS Goeben. The others are either recently new, or I told them to stay out of battle.

Also don't just think that their the only one's I have in the fleet. No. I have a T-Rex and a Velociraptor on board. And they have human forms for some strange reason. I also have a Musket, Flintlock, and Cannon from the American Revolution, 3 triceratops egg's, a glass bottle of Hell Ant's, 24 saplings of Encephalartos woodii's, 4 Dire Wolves, 2 Vulpes qiuzhudingi's, 800,000 pounds of raw gold that I stoll from Ancient Egypt, 2 Saber Tooth Tiger's, a Silver Pocket Watch that I had custom ordered in 1826, 6 Plasma pistols, 2 Plasma Rifles, 5 Plasma 18in guns, 3 set's of 22in gun's, and last of all a AI and her human body. I'll go into detail in that later. So now I'm bringing back extinct animals, insects, and plants, along with futuristic tech and ship. I wonder what Andy's reaction is going to be when he sees the news about me being in the American Revolution in that tomb that we built. Should be digged up by the time I get back to my time.
Andy's PoV

" And look at this! There's a Sheman Tank, a F4U Corsair, and a blueprint to a ship called USS Prinz Mona! Hey! There's a 16in shell's on this concrete slab. It reads, bewear for my name is Alex Orr, the Leviathan of the Sea, Devil of the land, and Dragon of the Sky. You are in my resting sight. Stay anymore and I will haunt you for the rest of your life. And if you found this I will be at Hawaii at Azur, as a commander. Peace." I could only shake my head. I really don't want to know how he traveled back in time. I just want to know if he's got anything interesting. I will have a talk to him later though.

My PoV

Sighing I watched as a storm circled around my fleet and before I knew it me and my fleet were back at my timeline. Looking at the docks ahead I ordered my fleet to dock while I contacted Admiral Emily. Getting off Missouri's ship I called her, and she picked up instantly.

" Ah, Alex. Do I really want to know?" I nodded.

" Sure do. I need you to get some scientists down here to me." She raised an eyebrow at this.

" Oh. Does it have something to do with how you ended up in The American Revolution?" I have her a so and so motion.

" Kinda. It's more like I have extinct animals, insects, and plants on board my fleet's ship's." Her eyes widened at that.

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