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I drive to kenny's house and walk in. He was already waiting at the door. "You can go relax while I make you breakfast." I say happily. He grabs my hand roughly and kinda drags me to the dining room. He forcefully sits me across from him. He places a plate in front of me. "Oh, thank you Kenneth but I'm supposed to be cooking for you." I say awkwardly. He sits down and shakes his head. "Its kinda my job to care for you which means I cook for you." I say. He shakes his head again. "I know that it's hard for you to accept that you need someone to care for you, it's common for people in their seventies." I say happily. He looks at me irritated. "Believe me if I didn't have to I wouldn't but I could get in trouble if I didn't." I say awkwardly. He stands up and walks behind me. "What are you doing?" I ask. He gently rest his hands on my throat and points at my plate. "Oh." I mumble. I take a bite and he puts more pressure on my throat to feel it go down my throat. He does this till I finish my plate. I sit there awhile for a moment since he doesn't move his hands. I brush his hands away and go to the sink to wash my plate. He follows and wraps his arms around me as I wash the dishes. I try not to blush but I do love physical contact. He rests his head on my shoulder. "You're really touchy today." I say jokingly. His arms tighten around me. "I get that you probably haven't had anyone with you for a while. I honestly get all the social interaction I need from this job." I say. He grunts. "I just get overstimulated trying to have a conversation with someone when I'm not in control of it. That why I like this job, my patients don't care to talk much and if they do I know they just want someone to listen and not usually talk back." I say. He let's out a deep breath. I sigh and finish the dishes. "Do you have any meds you take every day?" I ask. He shakes his head. "I already know you dont wear diapers. I guess I just have to cook and clean for you." I say. Kenneth puts his hand on the back of my head and grips my hair a bit. He examines my face. "Are you ok?" I ask. He let's go of my hair and grabs my hand and takes me to the living room. He lays me on top of him. He cuddles me gently. I know I shouldn't let him cuddle me but its been so long since someone did and I need it honestly. I feel so relaxed as he rubs my back. I can't help but blush. I relax to much and fall asleep. I wake up only a hour before I have to clock out. "Oh shit, I sorry, I didn't make you lunch." I say worryingly. He rolls his eyes. I try to get up but he forces me back down. "Well I have an hour before clocking out." I mumble. He runs his fingers through my hair. "Just remember I'm not supposed to cuddle with you so we can't do this every day, I wish I could get paid for cuddling though." I say jokingly. After a hour I clock out and go to my apartment. I sit on my couch, thinking about Kenneth. "God damn these daddy issues, making me love old men who show me attention." I mumble.

(♡ A Gentle Old Soul♡) Selfship FicOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant