Chapter 11 - Fulminating Bullets

Start from the beginning

"Shit!" Cravyn murmurs to himself as he pours a drink. "What did I do? Th-that thing wasn't Aeron." He chugs the pale liquid down, "Damn it! She fucking lied to me..." He stands up, and walks towards the window overlooking the factory. There he sees all his hard working employees managing the kiln to produce the finest glass wares in the kingdom. "It's all that bastards fault."

Craven had been pouring his heart and soul into constructing the Kiln Warehouse when tragedy struck. His mother was killed, and the police failed to find the killer. Craven resorted to desperate measures: smuggling exotic items, selling them at a high mark on the black market and pocketing most of the profits. The illicit activities progressed until he was dealing in arms and kidnapping. Eventually, with persistence, his organization -the Ivory Fangs- became one of the most influential factions in the Empire, completely beyond the reach of justice. This was, of course, due to him having explicit knowledge that kept him free.

The furnaces in the warehouse looked like giant monsters. The jagged teeth of their mouths open wide, ready to devour anything that came near them. Sparks flew from the eye and mouth openings, creating a scene reminiscent of that one night.

Cravyn downed another glass before gingerly touching the scar on his face. It was the evening when his men had brought an unconscious Will to him. Although, Will was faking it, and at the moment Cravyn was closest to him, Will smashed his head into Cravyn's nose, breaking it, and stealing his gun in one swift motion. Without hesitating, Will fired. By some fortune, as Cravyn cocked his head towards Will, and as he was about to give the order to fire the aether bolt passed through his cheeks leaving a grisly gash. One man seized the opportunity and struck Will in the back of the head, disabling him.

Cravyn had spent hours interrogating Will about the whereabouts of Aeron, leaving his body battered and bruised before resolving to feed him to one of the furnaces without bothering to tie him up. As the heat flared up, Cravyn noticed Will sitting himself up, smile smugly, and raise his middle finger before being consumed by the flames.

As the flames danced around, he catches a glimpse of Will's atrocious smile, and broken finger. Despite his hatred towards him, he wishes he could have someone like Will working for him. He admired the ferocity he showed, no one he knew, not even his brother had that same tenacity.

Sunddenly, a loud crash is heard. Cravyn looks up towards the ceiling, a single window has broken, and shards rain down. To his surprise he sees a sole figure flying down.

"CRAAAVYN!" The figure says looking towards the main office.

"No... it can't be," Cravyn whispers, his face drained of the color. He hadn't heard that voice or seen that face, twisted with fury and hate, in years, but he'd recognize him anywhere. "You're supposed to be dead," he breathes out while inching himself away from the window, eyes widened with terror.

His eyes lit ablaze as smoke gushes out of the cracks in his body, wrapping around him like a wispy cowl. Will roars, "I'm gonna erase you!" rating a solitary finger in Cravyn's direction.


Responding to the imminent threat, Cravyn's workers ceased their labor and abandoned the crates they had been holding. Reaching for the weapons on their hips, they held them firmly in their hands. Some had a simple shooter, like Callum's IMB, but some of the others had more advanced models like the RAB-M3 (Rapid Aether Blaster - Model 3), which has a deep, glossy black color. These firearms were equipped with Full Moon Clips of six bullets each, which are loaded in the back of the gun, and a button above the trigger enables the shooter to switch rounds swiftly. Thanks to its rapid rate of fire, the gun could release 30 blasts per second and expel an entire bullet of aether within 60 seconds.

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