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I started interviewing almost 2 hours ago and at this rate I just won't have an assistant

Every woman I've interviewed has done nothing but throw themselves at me half of them didn't even have the correct qualifications for the job just came because they think I'm attractive

I'm interviewing a brunette woman with hazel eyes and she starting to piss me off

"Mr. Ricci you make me your Assistant you won't regret it" she says in a seductive voice well what she tried to make sound sexy sounded awful

"Get out of my face I'm looking for a assistant not a whore" I said with a blank expression

She looked at me with wide eyes and got up "I am not a whore" she said with tears in her eyes as she turns around and walks out and slams my office door

Alyssa my personal receptionist came in and informed me there was one more girl to interview

I hope I'm not disappointed or else I would've had wasted two hours for nothing

Alyssa walked out and a few seconds later the woman came in , she spoke but I hadn't looked up and when I did I saw none other then the woman from the cafe

"Hello mr.Ricci I'm-" she cut herself off when she finally looked up at me and we both stared at eachother for almost 30 seconds

"Hello Ms.carter please have a seat" I said with sly smirk on my face

She slowly walked to the front of my desk and sat in one of the 3 chairs infront of it

"Now going through your résumé your very qualified for this job but I need to know if your here for me or the job" I stated as I grabbed her résumé on my desk opening it and looking through it

"I'm here for the job 110 percent sir" she said with her head held up looking directly at me in my eyes

"Alright but as my person assistant I need you available at anytime I call , are you willing to travel with me if need be" I asked her and she looked like she was thinking about it

"As you know I have a daughter so I don't know if I can travel whenever you need because I have to be with her " she said honestly of course I didn't forget about her adorable daughter

"Honestly if it does come to you having to travel with me I think I can tolerate your daughter she doesn't seem like a whiney child" I said as I leaned back in my chair

"Alright does this mean I have the job mr ricci" she asks me leaning up a little in her chair

"Yes , yes you have the job but you have to sign some paperwork first" I go in my drawer in my desk and pull out the PA contract that states she basically is signing her time over to me , she'll work however long I need her too

She grabbed it and read through it and let out a large sigh but hesitantly signed it anyways and handed it back to me

"Alright Ms.carter you start Monday morning 9 am I hate lateness so do not be late or I'll fire you" I spoke as she stood excitedly and she nodded her head

"I only take verbal responses" I said and she muttered a "yes sir" and walked out of my office

Sahmasly carter pov

Oh my fucking fuck I got the job

I walked out happy and walked the the main lobby and I seen that same blonde at the front desk

"I got the job bitch" I said and walked past her I didn't even bother to look back to see her reaction because I already know she looks dumb as fuck

I walked out of the building and to my car and pulled my keys out of my purse and unlocked the car and got in

I grabbed my phone and called my sister I had been texting her talking to her and Kai throughout me waiting to be interviewed

She answered on the third ring

"Did you get the job" she says as soon as it connects

I chuckled and nod but realized she couldn't see me "girlll yes I got the damn job" she started squealing and I heard Kai scream congratulations mommy and my heart melted a little

"Okay I'm on my way home I'm gonna stop by the store and get your Barbie Kai and I'm coming home" I said and they replied okay and I hung up and connected to the Bluetooth and played blue dream by jhené aiko

as the song started playing I pull out of the parking lot and made my way to the store

At the store

I walk down the aisle with the dolls and grab a Barbie that I know kai doesn't have yet and some more things for her

As I'm grabbing the stuff I notice someone staring at me

I look up directly and see a old white woman staring dead at me

"May I help you" I asked with a slight attitude laced in my voice because why the fuck is she staring

"Do you have the money to pay for all those toys or are you going to steal them" she said and I jerked my neck back and scrunched my face up

"Are you going to follow me around the store or mind your own muthafucking business" I asked back and pushed my cart past her and went to check out

After I paid I grabbed the bags and walked out of the store and to my car I unlocked the car and put the bags in the backseat and got in and started the car

I didn't even feel like listening to music so I just drove off to get home


after i got home I gave Kai her toys which she's upstairs playing with now while I took a shower

After I got out I moisturized my skin and put lotion on and then a tank top and some shorts and socks

I walked down stairs to the kitchen and see Kia sittin at the island

I thought she would've went home after I got back I guess she's staying the night

"Saint tried to call me while you were in the shower" she stated looking at the countertop

"Did you answer" I ask while grabbing things to start on dinner

"No I just watched the phone ring" she said while nervously playing with her fingers

I looked up at her and seen the soft tears rolling down her face and my heart broke for her

"Remember why your not talking to him , to find yourself don't get lost in missing him bitch" I said in a slightly joking voice to lighten the mood

"Your right it's just so hard to not talk to him lele" she stated wiping her tears with her hand

"I understand-" I got cut off by the sound of my phone ringing

I picked it up without looking at the caller Id

"Hello" i heard a manly voice say on the other end I removed the phone from my ear and mugged my phone seeing it's a number I don't recognize

"Who is this" i spoke wanting to know who was calling me this late

"It's Giovanni , I need you to meet me somewhere" he spoke i immediately was about to disagree but he spoke again

"Remember the contract you signed , I told you anytime I call you have to come and you signed and agreed" he spoke and I could feel the smirk he held on the other line

I huffed and said okay

"Great I'll send you the address I expect to see you in the next 30 minutes or your fired" he said and hung up

I'm guessing kiamani heard the conversation and said

"Go ill stay here and watch Kai" I immediately went and changed my clothes into something suitable for the weather outside rn

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This was js a li filler y'all 🙄

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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