
69 3 2


7 years ago

"Cmon lele you never go out with me" kiamani my older sister said as she stood in my bedroom mirror doing her hair

"We live In Baltimore mani , if we go somewhere it's just gonna be shooting and drama I'm not with that" I replied back to her , I hated living in Baltimore the hood at that

I live in cherry hill on the south side of Baltimore it's ghetto as fuck out here and they stay shooting so I stay my ass in the house , my sister is hood famous , everyone in the hood knows Kiamani not because she be hoeing or nun but because she's cool people and she has great vibes wherever she at plus her boyfriend saint is one of the biggest d boys in the hill

"Cmonnnnnnnnnn lele please" she asked with puppy dog eyes

I rolled my eyes at her tactic to get me to say yes

"We only have to go for a little then we can leave I promise" she said still looking at me with doe eyes

I thought about it for a minute , I haven't been outside in a while so why not "Fine but the minute some shit pop off we gone" I said cutting my eyes at her

"Okay that's fine , now we have to find you something to wear" she said pulling me out of the bed

"Girl what is going on with your closet , there is nothing for you to wear"

I have a closet full of good clothes what is she talking about

"Girl I know you see all these clothes" I said looking at her like she's dumb

"I'll grab you something from my closet..." she said as she left me standing in front of my closet trying to figure out what was wrong with what I had


We finally arrived to the party and it's crowded as fuck

"Don't leave my side , these people get to acting weird sometimes" Kiamani said in my ear as we stood side by side at the entrance of the house

I didn't say anything just gave a quick but noticeable nod to show I understood

She grabbed my hand and guided me to the kitchen of the house with her

I guess we're about to get a drink

"I'm not drinking mani" I said , my liquor tolerance was very low and I don't want to act a ass infront of all these people

I tug at the short skirt Kiamani gave me to wear , she told me I looked too cute in it to not wear it

I felt exposed as I kept tugging to pull down the skirt

"Leave it alone it's supposed to be short you look sexy" she stated as she lightly smacked my hand so I could stop tugging

"Now have a drink so you can relax" she stated pouring me a cup of whatever she had in her hand

"I don't want to get drunk infront of all these people mani you know how I get" I stated not grabbing the cup from her

"Your not gonna get drunk off one cup , it's just to loosen you up some so you can have fun" she said as she held the drink out to me

I thought about it for a second and took the cup and down the drink , afterwards I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up

"Damn that's strong" I stated before putting the cup down


One drink turned into 2 and 2 turned into 12

I was currently dancing on some dude , I have no clue who the fuck he is but he came up behind me while I was dancing with kiamani before saint came and pulled her away

Speaking of Kiamani I have no idea where she is , after saint came I didn't see her again but I somehow ended up dancing with the guy behind me

"You wanna go upstairs with me" he asks while groping my ass

"Hmmmm yea cmon" I stated and he stated to pull me up the steps

We ended up in a room and he locked the door

He pushed me onto the bed and started kissing my neck

I moaned a little

He kept kissing my neck as his hands searched my body , he started to pull my shirt up but I stopped him and sat up

"W-wait I'm not ready for that" I said to him drunkenly but I meant it

"It's okay just lay down" he said as he pushed me back down

He reached for my shirt again and I gathered all my strength and managed to get him off of me and ran for the door

He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to the bed and slapped me

"Stop being difficult bitch" he spat and ripped my shirt and started kissing above my breast

I started to squirm to get him off and I got another slap to the face

"Be still" he stated before pushing the skirt I had on up my waist and ripped my panties

I realized this was really happening and started to panic

I kicked and squirmed trying to move from underneath his large body

He hit me again , and again until he was completely inside me

At that point I just let it happen , I laid there letting him violate me because I wasn't strong enough to stop him

After a while of laying there being violated I felt something warm inside me

He pulled out and got his clothes and walked out of the room

I should've stayed home

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