"Babe?", I yell down the stairs.

"Yeah! I'm in the kitchen!"

I literally jump down the stairs and jump into the kitchen.

"Someone seems to be happy today", Alex states and catches me by my waist in one of my small jumps. He pulls me close and kisses me softly.

When he pulls away, I say: "That's because I am happy."

Alex smiles down at me and kisses me again.

"Are you ready to go?"

"I am", I say and put on a pair of black peep toes.

Alex puts one hand on the lower of my back as we leave the house and get into the car.

When he starts the engine, I put my hand on his thigh and sigh deeply.

"Are you excited?"

I look at him, with tears in my eyes.

"Hey, babe. What's up?"

"I am so excited, today I'll meet so many people of your family. And I am afraid that they won't like me."

"Oh, babe. You already met my parents and they love you. Their opinion is more important than any other one. And no matter what my relatives say, I love you."

I smile at him. "I love you too."

The drive to the house of his family is not long enough to calm my nerves and when we get there, there are already ten or more cars parked all across the driveway and street.

"God", I sigh.

Alex chuckles. "It won't be that bad."

We get out of the car and when Alex rings the doorbell, I cling onto his hand and squeeze it.

He squeezes back and smiles down at me.

Alex dad opens the door. "Kiddos, you're here! Come in, come in!"

I laugh as his dad hugs me tightly. "Nice to see you again, Iva."

"Same, it's nice to see you again, Mr. Gaskarth."

"Did you forget that I told you to call me Peter?"

"Sorry", I chuckle, "Peter."

Alex dad smiles.

"Is this Alex and his girl, Iva?", I hear someone scream from inside the house.

Five hours later I stand with Jacks sister May in the kitchen of the Gaskarth house. The men of the family and friends are outside to play some football. The other ladies are sitting in the living room and talk. Since everyones families are here too, I had time to get to know everyone, including every band members parents and siblings. It is a nice day.

"Helloooo? Are you zoning out?", May asks.

"Oh, sorry. I just thought how much I like this day and how nice everyone is."

May smiles at me. "I know. I'm glad you get along with everyone so well."

Isobel enters the kitchen. "Hey girls, what are you doing in here and without a drink?"

I laugh. "We just talk and yes, without a drink."

"Psh, we have to change that", then Isobel leaves the kitchen, just to get back in with three glasses of champagne.

"To this wonderful day, my wonderful birthday and that everyone I love is here tonight", Isobel says.

We click the glasses and I take a sip of the sparkling drink.

The flavour of your lips is enough to keep me here (Alex Gaskarth Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now