{Whipped Cream and Fruit Sandwiches}

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Linda's POV:

Every weekend, Lady Alaina trains Chef Neo and Jorge on certain basic techniques or new recipes.

While observe them at my mistress' side.

This has been going on since Cafe Terra opened a year ago and since then....

I have noticed Chef Neo improving under milady's tutelage.

Chef Jorge is a good companion to have since he studied cooking before applying it as a chef.

But he helps out Neo whenever he was stuck and patiently corrects him when milady is not present.

Right now, Milady's assignment was making a more airy whipped cream.

Which is a often used for garnishing drinks and cakes.

Whenever a diner orders a slice of swiss roll cake or jam buns *in house, it often comes with hand made whip cream swirls on the side.

* { means food ordered during dine in.}

It has become wildly popular with customers who had a sweet tooth.

Mainly females.

"Hmmm. Consistency wise. I think Chef Jorge is perfect but Neo's whipped cream is getting there." Lady Alaina smiled. "Great work chefs. Let's move on to plating and using the new piping bags and nozzles for this lesson."

My ears perked up as my mistress showed them washable durable cotton bag lined with a patented material that allows it to be long-lasting.

Taking the flat spatula and scooping the fluffy cream into the piping bag in deft strokes and pushing them inside till the bag was like a puffed-up cone.

After tying the ends, the lady demonstrated the proper posture and where your hands should be.

Both chefs watched as she demonstrated two nozzles and two methods of shaping whipped cream.

And they were amazed at the results.

And they were amazed at the results

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"As you can see. Whipped cream can be used not only on sweets but also on hot drinks like coffee. The richness it gives is much better than milk at time and using my patented piping bags allows you to create perfect swirls everytime." Milady said as the chefs nodded, their eyes sparkling.

"Chef. Can we try them?" Jorge said.

"Yes. You may." she replaced the tray with clean ones. "Pipe in ten exact replica of the whipped cream I pipped into their trays and...these glasses. Let's see how well developed your finger dexterity is."

Lady Alaina allowed me to eat the whipped cream she piped in with some fresh strawberries.


Mmmmm delicious! So tart and yet so creamy and sweet!

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