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Sage POV

Everyone sat in their seats while the teacher started the next lesson, my stomach rumbles. Sighing I pushed it back sitting up in my seat. Most of the day I tried to pay attention but struggled with a lot of the words, eventually I mentally clocked out.

Once the bell rang signaling it was the end of the day, a hand on my shoulder startled me out of my daze.

"You really shouldn't be day dreaming in class, I have practice you should go on home" his voice was annoying as when I first met him. He took his hand off my shoulder smirking at me, the tall brunette boy with him gave me a sad face.

"But Tsukishima I don't know how to get back, your mom said to walk home with you after practice" I hurry and pack my things since he's already walking away. He stopped by the door glaring at me "Your NOT coming to practice figure it out" he walked away with the other boy muttering to him.

Knowing it was better not to agrue with him I slung my bag over my shoulder and proceeded to walk through the door out into the hallway. I pulled out my phone seeing it was dead, I had no way to contact anyone. Walking to the main office I figured they would at least have the address where I was staying.

After a while the office staff was able to give me the address and get me started on my way.

I walked for what seemed like hours, because it was. I left school around 4pm and it's now past 7pm. My feet hurt and I was drenched, I didn't realize how much it rains here. Cold and tired of taking trains and walking I found a park bench to sit at. Feeling my eyes I start to drift off to sleep with my bag cuddled in my arms.

Tsukishima POV

"Tsuki don't you think you were to harsh on her, is she really that bad?" Yamaguchi muttered. I was tired of hearing it, we were in the middle of practice and he was still going on about it.

I stopped for a second annoyed that he repeatedly mentioned it "She's an embarrassment ok, leave it alone. I don't want her fat ass around" I scolded him going back to practice.

It was around 9pm when we started cleaning up the gym, after we were finished we got dressed and headed home. I looked at my phone noticing I didn't have any texts or calls, must mean she got back.

Getting off at my stop I walked a little further getting home, opening the gate I called out that I was home while taking off my shoes. My brother came around the corner and seemed to be searching for something.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He stopped and looked at me "Where Sage?" He asked with a hand on his hip.

The breath I was about to take got caught in my chest, what does he mean where is she. He must be joking, this is a test.

"Isn't she up in my room?" I suggested, he glared at me. Folding his arms he asked me again, eyes boring into my soul looking for an answer.

"I don't know" he paused.

"You don't know? She was supposed to have came home with you where is she Kei?" I told him again, because I don't know. I told her basically to go fuck herself and find her way back.

He walked away phone in hand, I could hear a tired hello on the other end of the phone. I walked into the kitchen standing next to him, he shook his head at me walking past.

"Stay here in case she shows up, don't you dare leave" he told me grabbing his car keys heading out the door.

She didn't make it back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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