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I write smut but I'm going to go ahead and put this here as well just because I know how assholes can be I don't put up with some things, I will be a bitch if I have too



Sage POV

Sighing and writing in my notebook my feelings of the day so far, I usually tended to so I can let all of my emotions out. It makes me feel better, to some extent anyways. It'll never make it all disappear but it's a way to cope.

Soon the door opened gaining the classes attention, hushed whispers were heard throughout the class as our guidance counselor stepped in.

"Sorry for disturbing but I have stopped by to discuss a few things with you all" she smiled, looking to our teacher he let her continue.

I closed and put my notebook and writing utensils away, closing my bag I gave her my full attention. She leaned on the desk smiling "As you all know this is your last year of middle school...next year you'll be in high school, here I have a paper for your parents if they choose to let you go" she held up a stack of papers.

"This will need to be sighed if they chose to let you go, after you'll be given a list of packing items and requirements. Have this in by the end of the week have a great day" the stack of papers were now on our teachers desk but she didn't really elaborate on what exactly it was.

"Alright kiddos she had some other classes to run off to but on your way out stop and grab a form, their for the foreign exchange program" Mr Rush directed.

I knew I wouldn't be able to but I also knew I'd grab the forms  anyways. Sighing when the bell rang minutes later, I slung my backpack over my shoulders walking up to his desk.

Smiling he hands me a form, I take it and left the room. The hallways were crowded as ever. When I made it out the door I dashed to the car seeing my mother parked, opening the door I hopped in.

"Hey mama" I always loved seeing her, it's rare for her to pick me up but it's nice when she could. I tried to put on my best smile but she always saw right through me.

"Something happened, tell me?" She cooed as she put the car in gear driving off, on the way home I debated about if I would actually give her the form. I decided against it, I don't want to stress them out anymore than they already are.

"It's nothing really, I got a test back. I didn't do as good as I hoped I would" I lied. Humming we pulled into our driveway, we got out going into the house.

Wednesdays were always amazing, mama and daddy both were off and we got to spend time together. Playing games, watching movies and making dinner together.

Before we could unlock the door it swung open, I was lifted off my feet "Hey darling how was school" he laughed spinning me. I know what your thinking, I'm 14 yes but I allow it.

They work so much I enjoy when I get to spend time with them, so I don't mind it.

Pouting he set me down, he moved letting us in the house after mama scolded him. After playing a few games and watching a movie I decided to get ready for bed.

Making my way up the stairs I went to my room, once inside I stripped so I could take a shower. Once I was in the bathroom I showered doing my whole routine.

I got out finishing and getting dressed, when I went down for dinner I saw the paper. It was signed, they looked at me. I could feel tears streaming down my face "How did you find that? W-why would you sign it that's too much money you c-"

"We can... and we are baby you deserve this, we're so proud of you" they praised me. I couldn't believe they would do it, we've always struggled with money.

But I was excited, I had the whole summer before I left for another country.


These are gonna be short chapters, but how did yall like part 1??

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