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Part 4 got me going yall I was honestly in tears writing it 😭 I hope yall enjoyed the longer chapter I'm trying to keep it that way but I cannot make any promises

I've been uhhh... mhm... oh fuck it I was trying not to be weird but I am so I guess I'll just say it, I've been hormonal lately its been out of control

But anyways this chapter is gonna have a lot of hurtful things so here's your warning ⚠️


Sage POV

It was a restless night, thoughts floating around and clouding my head. Kei's words cut deeper than any bully, starting to tear up I pleaded sile try for them not to fall.

But it didn't matter how much I ended with myself they fell, staining my hot cheeks. Sniffling I turned over shoving my head into the pillow.

"W-why? I know I'm fat... I know I'm stupid, I just have to try harder" the words came out strangled, my throat sore from crying and eyes stinging.

I rubbed my eyes, im sure thier red as a cherry. I wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole a thousand feet in the ground. Sitting up I realize how much of a disappointment I am, worth nothing. Especially not worth the amount of time, effort and money my parents and Mrs. Tsukishima put into me.

Sliding out of bed I slipped into the floor in front of my unpacked suitcase. Unzipping the purple suitcase I searched for the one thing I wanted the most...something to take away the pain.

As much as I wanted some kind of medication I knew I'd need to let out my anger and sadness another way. Once I found the item I was looming for I quickly took it apart with the Leatherman my dad gave me.

Unscrewing the razor I took the blade out putting the rest back into the suitcase. Holding, staring at the razor I studied it. Running my thumb against it I hissed at the cut.

Some sort of relief washed over me however it was flooding as I ran it over my pale wrist watching it turn red, dripping onto my towel I reached out for.

My heart and stomach twisted, it's like the words Kei spoke drowned in the blood never to return. It became addicting, before I realized it I felt dizzy.

Blood was covering my wrist soaking into the towel, a huge spot now red. As much as I didn't want to stop I forced myself, I can't afford to pass how from blood loss.

Panicking when I heard an alarm going off, but it wasn't mine. An overwhelming feeling set deep in my stomach, they can't know about this. I mean Kei wouldn't tell anyone, he already doesn't like me but Akiteru may.

Gathering my towel I wrapped it around my wrist and ran into the bathroom. Once the door was closed I began to wash off my wrist "Fuck I forgot bandages, shit shit shit-"

"Come on bitch hurry the fuck up I wanna shower I have to get going if I'm late for practice" of course the first words this morning would be a scolding.

I didn't say anything, opening the door I walked past him letting him have the bathroom "Took long enough" he retorted. He seemed like he wanted me to say something.

I kept my mouth shut walking past him my towel covering my arm hiding the soon to be scars and blood stain. Brown eyes burned I to my back as I walked in the room shutting the door.

Leaning on the back of the door I let out a breath "Fuck that was close" I dug back through my suitcase grabbing some bandages wrapping my arm.

Luckily the wounds had stopped bleeding so the bandages were still white.

I got ready for the day going back into the bathroom once he was done and I was sure he was back in his room. I brushed my teeth, loving the minty taste and clean feeling.

Dumping the small amount of contents of my makeup bag on the counter I rubbed some creams into my face, blotted my face with powder.

Lining my eyes with black eyes liner and topping off with mascara before calling it quits. I made to pony tails letting curly hair flow in a half up do.

I actually felt pretty, smiling in content I exited the bathroom only to run into a hard chest "I'm so sorry" I bashfully looked away.

"It's ok I'm glad your up I was worried you'd be late to school, wow you look pretty" Akiteru rushed me out the door.

I grabbed my bag throwing it over my shoulder "Dammit Kei left so I'll be taking you to school ok?" He asked me slipping on shoes.

Waving my hands around I tried to coax him into going back to bed, he looked completely exhausted "N-no you don't have to I can find my way there"

He shook his head refusing to let me go by myself "No can do firecracker, here's your lunch" he handed me a small wrapped container, the print was a pretty pastel blue with flowers on it.

"It's pretty...." he chuckled "Mom thought you'd like it" I nodded, getting into the car I let him drive me to school.

Let's see how this is going to go....

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