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So I'm not gonna lie I've felt like shit but I mean I always do. This time might be different... I hope anyways if you catch my drift trying not to get my hopes up, it hard not too though

Anyways.... I hope yall are enjoying the book so far let me know what you think I need to improve on


Sage POV

My heart swelled when her other son said he had actually been excited to have a guest, bring items home to cook just because I'm here.

However at the same time I felt bad, I didn't want them to differentiate from their normal routine just to make me feel better.

In a way it made me feel like a burden especially since I don't speak their language fluently. I tried to push the feelings away and be grateful for the effort.

"Wo-would you like help, I'm not the best cook but I can do other things" I offered. Mrs. Tsukishima smiled at me ruffling my hair "It's ok sweetie how about we go over some words while I cook?"

Nodding immediately she began to pull ingredients from cabinets, bags and the fridge. We went over basic words such as hello, thank you, help, stop, why and so on and so forth.

Soon enough food was almost done, we heard the door open and something being spoken. The brown haired mother replied back, I assumed it was her younger son. The one I'd be going to school with.

A tall boy came into the kitchen bag in hand, he eyed me before glaring and walking away.

"I'm sorry sweetie he's not the friendliest when you first meet him but I'm sure he will warm up to you" she assured me. I only nodded in response.

"Will you help me set up the table?" Handing me a few items I set them on the table how she described to. It honestly made me feel better, to me even if I am a guest I should still pull my weight of the work just like her own children would.

I made a mental note to address this with Mrs. Tsukishima, not to be rude but to let her know I want to help out any way I can.

The other boy came down with a towel around his hair drying his short blonde hair. When I looked closer at him you could see slight muscles, not huge but not all skin and bones either.

He wore glasses that suited his face, flawless skin and pretty brown eyes the same as golden caramel. Our eyes met, I blushed looking away from him. Embarrassed I went to his mother to see what else needed to be done.

Unfortunately everything was finished, she and Akiteru brought over dishes as she ushered me and the other boy to sit.

I did as told sitting at the table, the cushion was soft and fluffy on my backside. It was pretty too, it was black. Simple but still pretty, more bowls and plates were placed in front of us and on the table.

Sitting between Akiteru and Mrs. Tsukishima I thanked them both, she looked at us saying something before the boys replied and started eating.

Mrs Tsukishima looked at me telling me the meaning of the words spoke in their native language. I tried to say it back like the boys did but it did come out properly. Not that I really expected it to but it's a word we've gone over and I'm still struggling with it.

"Damn you came to another country unable to speak the language? Didn't you have all summer long to study at least basics?" The younger scolded me. Honestly it hurt, I've always been more sensitive than I should be.

"I've studied everyday... but it's harder with the limited amount of materials I had access too" it barley came out above a whisper.

A hand clamped on my should "Hey its OK well help you learn, besides being around it everyday should help too" the older looked at me smiling, his bright and cheerful personality was comforting.

"She never learn if you treat her like that" he sat staring at me, his eyes were basically burning holes into me. His glare was so intense I had no idea what to do, picking up my chopsticks I began to eat.

The rice was amazing, so fluffy. The texture was complementary to the other dishes that were on the table. I tried a bit of all of it just to see what it tasted like only to be scolded once again.

"Do you eat that much at home? No wonder why your fat" those words cut deeper than the others, I already hated myself for everything anyways but now he's only confirming it.

Hearing a grunt I glance up seeing that he had been slapped on the back of the head by his brother "Don't say such mean things... she is not fat. Besides I'm sure she hasn't really tried our food before there's nothing wrong with that"

Feeling shy I gently tugged on his sleeve "Tsukishima... you don't have to. It's ok, really" I didn't want the other to be in trouble, especially for something I did.

"Ok that's enough Kei... listen Sage I took today off but I work night shifts so I make lunch and then I'm usually gone around dinner time. Akiteru usually makes dinner so you'll be in good hands ok?"

"Yes ma'am" I answered, once everyone was done eating the boys got up.

"I'm gonna shower I'll hell you when I get out" Akiteru told his mom. Kei started to gather bowls and such setting them on the counter for them to be cleaned "I have homework" he told her walking away.

Alone with Mrs. Tsukishima I caughter her attention, I cut her off in the middle of her apology of her son "It's ok... but I wanna help more please? Is there any kind of chore that needs to be done daily or I can help Akiteru with dinner?"

Sighing I think she realized I was very admit about helping out, she told me I can help with dinner and basically just keep the kitchen clean.

"Thank you" I hugged her, soon pulling away since I was unsure of physical contact she would be ok with. Running her hand over my cheek she smiled, I could tell she was tired.

"Mrs Tsukishima... why don't you go ahead and go to bed? You look exhausted I can handle the dishes and I'll ask Akiteru where they go"

She made a sad face causing me to worry "That sounds nice but you really don't have to" I knew she was trying to assure me, but I she needed to rest.

I shook my head "I'm sorry I'm not trying to be unruly but you really need to sleep" Nodding she told me good night leaving me.

Going into the kitchen with the remaining dishes, luckily there was no food left over for me to put away. Mostly because of my fat ass, sighing to myself I turned the hot water on filling one side of the sink.

I rinsed the dishes before actually cleaning them. Humming and lightly tapping my foot I finished all the dishes putting them on the rack.

Grabbing a dish towel I continued to dry them so they wouldn't have to be put away later.

"Hey mom sorry it took so- Hey Sage where's mom?" Akiteru came out with damp hair and pleasant scent. Turning to look at him I put the last remaining plates and bowls away.

"She went to bed... it's late I'm sure your tired to I've got the rest" wiping down counters he came closer.

"I can help you have school tomorrow I can finish" I felt bad so we finished together since I refused to let him finish cleaning by himself.

We talked and he showed me where things were, went over the schedule more in depth with me. Once the kitchen was wiped down, swept and mopped we both decided to call it a night.

He pulled me close hugging me, hearing a creek I let it go seeing as it was him "It's nice to have a guest... moms excited too, don't feel like your not welcome because you are"

Letting go I thought about his words, I took them in but it's as though my brain rejected them. I knew he meant them, I also know he meant that his mother was happy too.

Gathering my toiletries and pajamas, a towel I went into the bathroom to shower. I turned on the water letting the heat seep into my skin as thier words did.

Finishing I dried off and slipped into my clothes, making my way back into the room I laid down. Pushing my face into the pillow silently crying, at some point I fell asleep.

I tried my best to make this longer, which out of all my chapter for this book so far this is my favorite

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