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A/N: Hello everyone how are you all? I don't know if people are reading this because I don't know if the reads I see are just me or not :') (I'm just always checking back again to see if I forgot something)

Have a nice day you all :)


I woke up early this morning to go for a run. I stopped at a coffee shop and enjoyed watching the raindrops falling on the window. It wasn't raining that hard but my clothes were soaked.

I take a sip from my coffee when I hear my phone ringing.

Fury. Even though I would have loved to just press on decline. I didn't know if it was important or not.

"Hello Natasha, I am at the compound right now and Jarvis said you are on your morning run. I am not planning on staying here the whole day so it would be nice of you to come back. Now," he says.

I know he doesn't at all like to wait on others so I guess I will just have to go back.

"Sure I will be there in 20 minutes max" I say while I take my money from behind my phone case.

"See you later Romanoff" he ends the phone call.

I go to the place you pay (I forgot the name sorry). There is a boy I guess around his twenties.

"Hi," I say while giving him the paper where my order was written (so that he could see how much I have to pay).

"heey," he says looking at me up and down.
"Are you a piano? Because I would like to hear what noise you make"

eww what the actual fuck

"Boy instead of trying to pick up girls on a date or just do some rizz, you could also just do your job? Besides I am not at all interested." I say in an annoyed voice.

"What? Why are you not interested? I thought you were Wi-Fi because I felt a connection between us." he asks looking offended but also proud of himself. Why? No idea.

"Because I am not interested in people like you." I say and roll my eyes at his other dumb rizz.

he looks at me confused before he changes his facial expression to something I can't identify.

"Ew are you gay? Like, do you like girls?" he says it as if it was a crime.

"No! no I mean no." I couldn't stand here much longer so I just put 10 dollars on the table-ish bar and left without saying another word.

Was it wrong to like girls? Why did I even react like that, it is not that I am attracted to girls.
I mean, yes, some girls can be pretty and hot and sexy. But I have never felt anything towards Wanda or Maria. But I have never really felt anything for men, did I? And my first kiss, after the red room where I could choose who I wanted to do what I wanted to do with, was a girl. No stop overthinking everything you do or feel. Look at how that man reacted thinking that you could be lesbian or gay or bisexual or omnisexual or poly- How do I even know all these terms? Gosh jeez myself calm down.

I arrive at the compound 10 minutes later and see the quinjet on the grass. Right, I forgot about Fury.

I see everyone in the meeting room, also Maria. I knock on the door and enter.

"Guess who finally showed up. It was about damn time Romanoff."

I sit down next to Clint.

"I think your clothes are wet." He whispers to me. "No shit sherlock, it is raining outside."

"So if everyone can be quiet now. I wanted to talk to you all about Y/n." Fury says in a stern voice. I look around the table to see if anyone knew about what he would have it about but everyone looked as confused as me.

"Her 2 months are over and she is coming back to S.H.I.E.L.D like she wanted from the beginning. So her stay here is over. But she has been ignoring all of my texts since she came in here. So I had no contact with her. The only feedback about her being here was from Agent Hill and she got her information through Natasha"

I feel my heart shattering into millions of pieces while he talks. She is going back. There will be no clumsy Y/n anymore who walks in glass doors. Or no person I can tease.

I look at Maria not knowing what exactly she said about Y/n and I's relationship. I mean not as in relationship love but more in the I like her as a friend way.

She looked at me and gave me a weak smile, and shook her head. Good for her, otherwise I would have killed her.

"So how has Y/n been acting? Still so distant or did she at least try to make some friends?" He asks us.

"Yeah, she is best friends with Nat! They are sooo in looooooove" Tony says it with a sarcastic tone.

That's it. I feel tears forming in my eyes and Tony's remark didn't make me feel any better.

Without any other words, I ran out of the room and ran upstairs.

Before I even knew it myself I was knocking on Y/n's door with tears streaming down my face.


I was taking my nap when I hear someone knocking at my door. I just continued to lay in my bed hoping the person could leave.

But I could hear someone sobbing so I got up and opened the door.

To my surprise it was Nat. I had never seen her cry. Her eyes were puffy red and her cheeks were wet. She is pretty when she cries. She should cry more often it is so beautiful. No, forget I said that, that was dumb and mean.

"Nat, why are you here? Are you okay?"

She looks me in the eyes and then embraces me in a hug.

I didn't move and just let her do her thing. My shirt slowly getting wet too.

After a few minutes, my legs were beginning to hurt from just standing still. So I drag her to my bed.

"Do you wanna talk about?" I ask carefully not to make her upset.

"Please don't leave me, please don't. I don't want you to. Please just stay. I know you said that you would leave but don't. Please no." She says sobbing again.

That is when a moment of realization hit me. I grab my phone that is next to me to see that it is now, exactly, the end of my stay here.

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