Part 11

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Hiruzen looked up from the paper on his desk. "Thank you for coming Kurenai". Hiruzen greeted.

"It's no problem Hokage, how can I help?". Kurenai asked.

Hiruzen pulls out his pipe and fills it, taking a puff from it he sighs. "I'll be honest with you Kurenai I'm not happy, a little over two months ago I set out a challenge for the three newly started squads and have received several reports on each teams progress. I had hoped the reward of picking out something from my personal library would spur them into their training and making up for the downfall I let happen on the academy. So far only your team has shown significant progress in their training". Hiruzen expressed.

Kurenai sat in silence she didn't realise her team was so far ahead but she needed to clarify something. "Hokage while I thank you for the compliment I have to inform you that I cant take full credit on that. While I have been pushing my team through standard teamwork drills, chakra control exercises and introducing them to team formations and tactics, I must give credit to Naruto for the physical training schedule we've been on for the last two months. I am aware of my own short comings as a person who specialises in the art of genjutsu and I'm not ashamed to admit in a straight thai-jutsu fight between myself and Naruto I doubt I would come out of it the winner. Shortly after the team had formed Naruto actually approached me with a schedule he had thought up of. The current physical regime team 8, that's including me has so far found a lot of success on, plus the resistance and weight seals Naruto can make has greatly improved the physical strength of the entire team". Kurenai explained.

Hiruzen nodded he had seen the kind of work outs Naruto had been doing in his own time and he was as impressed now as he was back then. "I'm aware of Narutos workout routine and I'm glad that not just his teammates but yourself has found success with it as well. Now I have thought up an idea that we use to do back when I was a Genin. Team 8 and team 10 will go on a joint c rank mission and you will lead the mission with Asuma acting as your back up, I want your team to show team 10 an example of what I wanted 2 months ago. Team 10 will play the supporting role in this mission leaving your team to lead from the front, if something happens to you and Asuma or your engaged and have to rely on the Genin to operate away from your commands Naruto is to lead the two teams". Hiruzen explained.

"Thank you for the opportunity, I will explain to my team their responsibilities but what about team 7 this doesn't seem fair in the challenge for them". Kurenai questioned.

"I have spoken to Kakashi and it seems he's still trying to iron out some problems he's having with cohesion in his team, you'll be escorting a bridge builder and staying to protect him while he completes his construction, Asuma has already been made aware and is informing his team". Hiruzen explained.

Hiruzen hands Kurenai a scroll containing all the information on the mission, "You'll leave tomorrow morning, meet at the east gate at 9am". Hiruzen explains.

"Very well lord Hokage I shall go and inform my team, have a good day". Kurenai said before disappearing.

Naruto was currently sat on top of the Hokage monument just watching the village below. -Hey Cortana do you think where I'm at with my training is enough?-. Naruto asked.

-You have done exceptionally well Naruto I can confidently say chief would have been as proud as I am if he could've ever met you- Cortana replied.

Naruto takes a deep breath feeling the calm that came with the short breeze that went by. -I wish I could've met him too, from everything you've told me about him and your journeys together he feels like someone I could really aspire to become- Naruto thought.

Cortana goes silent for a while but perks up when she got an idea. Naruto was wondering why Cortana went quiet until a tall figure covered in dark green armour stood in front of him like Naruto would imagine a man of authority would. -This is my most favourite memory of him, it was near the time he would retire and he was asked if he would present a speech for the next generation of Spartans- Cortana spoke.

The rough deep voice that came out of the man surprised Naruto but he kept his concentration on the tall man.

'you all know me, you all know what I've done and accomplished. I was asked to come down today to give you all a speech, I'm not a man who often talks more than he needs to as I've always preferred action and results over speeches but I can see the appeal. Every single one of you here today has an opportunity to do something great, I was very much like you stood in line listening to my drill instructor as you are with me now. You all now carry a burden that each generation of Spartans carried with them with pride, you will become Humanities greatest weapon and it's strongest shield. I won't lie very few of you will live long lives but don't let discourage you, as Spartans we embody willpower and we showcase our courage. Even in the face of death stand tall and make their victory over you as hard as you can because where you may have lost the battle the next Spartan to take your place might just win the war because of your efforts. Now go on Spartans train hard and keep moving forward and wear that armour with pride'.

The image of the tall man disappeared but Naruto stayed quiet letting his words sink in, it was however Cortana who broke the silence after she appeared sitting on his shoulder

"He defined the word warrior, it didn't matter how impossible the task seemed or how big the risks were, if there was even the most smallest percentage he could accomplish the task he wouldn't even think twice. Even when it was impossible he still found a way, he imprinted that mind set to those that came after him because he believed that those who listened and followed his foot steps would go on to become legends, just like him" Cortana explained.

Naruto was silent for a little while more before he had to ask. "Hey Cortana do you think one day I could become like him?" Naruto asked.

"I think you're already well on your way to that Naruto, I don't think I could imagine anyone else displaying the same courage and willpower he displayed other than you" Cortana stated and disappeared back into Naruto.

"Thank you Cortana". Naruto said before being interrupted by the arrival of Kurenai.

"Hey Sensei". Naruto greeted.

"Good afternoon Naruto, I've just come to warn you that we have a joint c rank mission with team 10 tomorrow so be at the eastern gate at 9am sharp, also why are you up here?". Kurenai questioned.

"Ok will do thanks for letting me know, I like how peaceful it is up here it's easier to sort my own thoughts out". Naruto replied.

Kurenai pondered on his words for a minute and frowned. "Is everything ok Naruto?. Kurenai asked.

"Yeah I'm good just figuring out my next steps in my training and thinking about some words I heard from a man who I aspire to be like later on in life. Anyway I should probably go and start getting everything ready for tomorrow". Naruto replied before standing up and brushing the dust off his clothes.

"Ok then, well cya tomorrow Naruto". Kurenai said before departing.

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