Part 2

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One year later since Naruto met Cortana and a lot happened, the first thing Cortana had Naruto sort out was his health and eating situation. You couldn't grow big and strong if your diet didn't give you the proper nutrition and that's what they did, Cortana had Naruto steal several sets of black clothes which he would use to sneak around at night and take what he needed. It took several attempts but he started to develop his talents in espionage and infiltration, it wasn't perfect but its was good enough for what he needed.

Next Cortana really wanted to start going through the library, one of the strongest tools any soldier/Shinobi can acquire is information and the library was full of it. She started him on learning the basic life skills and got him to learn economics and politics as a back up way to defend himself if the villages council decided to move against him. Cortana started his physical conditioning, focusing heavily on cardio seeing how as a shinobi he was going to need a lot of stamina something she found Naruto already had an abundance of to begin with. Chakra theory was heavily explored as well seeing how she was officially a chakra construct built from Narutos chakra her manipulation of Narutos chakra was perfect so the more she knew about the energy source the more efficiently she would be able to use it.

While learning about chakra they had discovered things about chakra control exercises, something Cortana said he didn't need now she was his chakra control but she told him to learn them anyway as they would be useful for climbing walls or running across bodies of water, they also learned about chakra natures and how to find out your own nature using chakra paper something she would get him to do soon.

While Naruto was focused on his training and learning Cortana wanted to sort out something she noticed when she merged with Narutos chakra. Naruto had a second pool of chakra that Cortana quickly figured out was the Kyuubis chakra. Cortana had put the puzzle that was Narutos relationship with the village together when they learned what happened on Narutos birth. She managed to figure out the beast was sealed inside of Naruto and somehow the village had been made aware, that wasn't what Cortana was interested in though. Seeing how she was now Narutos chakra she felt a connection to the extremely dense chakra. While exploring the chakra she noticed it was being drained slowly into Narutos reserves, that explained why his chakra reserves were unnaturally huge but it also opened up a strong opportunity for her to make Naruto that much more stronger. The Kyuubis chakra was extremely powerful however it was also filled with malice but she could deal with that as it was syphoned away from the soul of the beast. To help the process along she started actively pulling on the connection, to her surprise it actually started draining faster its wasn't by much but it was a start.

They were going over battle strategies and planning ahead, she would throw several situations at him ranging in difficulty and when he would come up with a plan to solve them, she would then run simulations to see if they would work or not and if not he would need to start again until he succeeded.

Not to long back they both accidentally discovered a jutsu that Cortana was practically dancing around in his mind scape for while looking for advanced battle tactics and advanced chakra theory texts. The jutsu they had found happened to be the shadow clone jutsu, a perfect training application for Naruto and his immense chakra reserves, plus with Cortana being able to accelerate Narutos minds capabilities to organise information any reflecting damage that a large quantity of information from the clones that dispelled that came back wouldn't cause any lasting damage to his mind. Cortana used the clones to continue his studies and go into the village at night to get supplies that he needed while he focused on his physical training.

Earlier on in the year on his way to go steal from a grocery store he came across a bunch of bullies picking on a girl, Cortana saw this as an opportunity for Naruto to get some real combat experience and save a damsel in distress at the same time. Naruto being the gallant warrior he is jumped straight in and with Cortanas assistance in predicting movements and strikes fought all three bullies black and blue without receiving so much as a scratch on him.

The girl had thanked him over and over, he found out her name was Hinata Hyuga and she was extremely shy but he liked her eyes and made it a point to admit it to her as well, especially since that seemed to be one of the reasons the bullies had been picking on her in the first place.

Hinata admired his courage and that he never gave up, she began following him about hiding herself away or at least she thought she was but cortana had caught her immediately and warned Naruto. He had tried to approach the girl but as he did she bolted and didn't return until the next time so he decided to ignore it and wait for her to approach him.

Naruto started studying the different clans in the village giving him a much deeper understanding of the politics and inner workings of each clan and how they represented the village. The only clan he didn't appreciate was the Hyuga clan, it didn't seem like they offered anything other than a small amount of political weight to give. Cortana said they would have made fantastic medics but for some reason forbade members from studying anything other than clan techniques. He got angry when he read that the Hyuga practically enslave their own members using a cursed seal and promptly punch a nice sized hole in a tree venting his anger out. Naruto couldn't work it out in his head why the Hokage would allow a clan like that to exist within the village but it wasn't his decision to make so he put it to the back of his mind.

Now though Naruto found him self back inside the library, coming to the end of the isle he noticed a small scroll that was covered in dust that had a red swirl on it, he had seen this symbol on some of the shinobi jackets and thought it was a noble clan that he hadn't heard about.

-Perhaps you should study it could be interesting-. Cortana spoke up in his mind.

Silently agreeing with her he walked over and sat down at a table before opening the scroll up. As he continued to read his eyes grew larger and larger, the scroll had information of a clan that was allied with Konoha, a clan called Uzumaki, his clan. The scroll had details about how the Uzumakis were masters in kenjutsu and fuinjutsu/juinjutsu, but it also mentioned how the entire clan was destroyed by a united front between three of the 5 great shinobi villages.

"I had a clan Cortana". Naruto whispered in disbelief.

-Sounds like they were powerful as well, the scroll says even though they went up against three villages combined they nearly won that's extremely impressive-. Cortana replied.

Naruto smiles slightly, sure he was sad that his clan was basically extinct but to hear his clan was that strong gave him pride in his name and his ancestors, he would do them proud.

-Hey Cortana could I learn the stuff that made my clan so amazing, I want to make them proud-. Naruto asked hopefully.

-Of course any advantage is an advantage and apparently this fuinjutsu sound like quite the advantage-. Cortana agreed.

Naruto finished up in the library, he also decided to take that scroll home it didn't seem like anyone needed it based off the amount of dust that it had on it. He was excited to start learning the things that made his clan so famous and feared. He would now carry his name with pride and would dare anyone to disrespect the Uzumaki name.

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