Chapter Seventeen: Back From The Dead

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Locked in a battle with Trisha, I approach her as a hunter might across their quarry. I raise my sword, poised to strike.
"So we really are doing this," Trisha sighs, almost annoyed. "The final stand-off. I've got to say, you have come so far. The old Thomas never would have even considered it."
"Any last words?" I ask, narrowing my eyes as I stare her down.
"Just two," Trisha replies, a grin on her face. "Bring it." She unhooks two daggers from her belt and sinks into a fighting stance, holding the tips of her daggers toward me. I scoff at the challenge in her eyes.Oh, I will enjoy this. It is about time I make her scream in agony.
    "Gladly." Brandishing my sword, I plant my feet. "I am going to relish tearing you limb from limb." Before I had even finished talking, Trisha strikes first, slashing her daggers in a downward arch, aiming for my throat. I ready myself and block. I meet Trisha's offensive strike head on and am almost taken back by how feeble her attack seems. I had never bested Trisha in a single combat before... and now it feels too easy. The sound of metal kissing metal resounds in the air and I drive Trisha back with a single step forward.
    "Still think I am too weak?" I taunt.
    "Still looking for approval and validation, are you?" Trisha shoots back. "I guess some things never change." With a fierce battle cry, Trisha lashes out with a set of intricate slashes with her daggers. To an outsider's eye, it would have looked like she was dancing. Focusing on the sword's endless reserve of power, I allow it to stretch around me until it embraces my body in a transparent gleam, making me invisible. Trisha looks astonished for a second, but she quickly recovers and keeps lashing around wildly, hoping to strike true. But she doesn't. Still invisible, I maneuver around her blades like I'm not weighted down by gravity, but it is as if I am as light and spry as air.
    "Missed me," I whisper in her ear, creeping up behind her. But in the time it takes her to wheel around to face me, I have retreated to a safe distance, avoiding the wicked swoosh of her blades. Eventually, she stops lashing out aimlessly and stands panting, but vigilant.
    "Face me, you coward," she says through panting breaths.
    "I'm right here," I reply. Dropping my invisibility streak, I rush at her from the side, completely blindsiding her. I deliver two swift blows; one on her stomach and one on her ribcage, resulting in a satisfying crack. Trisha coughs and sinks to her knees. Pathetic, really. Trisha wheezes and struggles to regain her composure as I circle her like a vulture would its prey.
    "Don't get up," I say as she struggles to her feet. "You are only embarrassing yourself at this point."
    "Shut up," Trisha spits. "Without the sword you would be nothing." She says the word 'nothing' as if it is some undesirable sound in her mouth that she wants nothing to do with.
    "Maybe... but if it is all the same to you, I would very much like to erase you from existence now." Trisha doesn't reply. Instead, she uses the tips of her daggers to lift herself up off the ground.
    "I'm not done yet."
    "Yes, you are," I say firmly. To prove my point, I rest the tip of my sword on her throat.
    "Do it," Trisha says casually. I lift the sword high up over my head until it catches the reflection of the moon, showering over us in iridescent, colorful lights. Then, I unceremoniously bring it down– hacking through everything in my path– until my blade meet's Trisha's skin, sawing right through, until her head rolls next to my feet. Her face looks up, lifeless, her eyes glazed over as they look up at me. Blood slowly soaks the ground from her shredded neck.
    "You brought this upon yourself," I say, staring down at her lifeless eyes. "You would have willingly usurped my power." So why is it that I feel so hollowed out, so empty inside? I did the right thing, right? Trisha's blood flows all the way to my boots, as if it wants to cling to me for dear life. And yet, it is too late. She is gone. Forever. She would have betrayed me. So why does my chest feel so tight, and my heart so small? Why can I no longer feel things I know I should? Where is the person I once knew? He must have left with all his shame. I feel like I am underwater, mighty waves crashing over me... but all I can do is watch, sink, repeat. Paralyzed, lost, broken... and yet I enjoy every minute of it.

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