Chapter Sixteen: Underworld

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Henry stands tall, bravely facing Morpheus despite the weight of the decision he carries. Neila's face turns a ghostly shade of white.
    "Henry, we didn't agree to this," she says. Henry turns to look at her, and a world of emotions passes behind his eyelids.
    "I know. But I also know you and your incurable need to save everyone, even at the cost of your own life. But that is not happening on my watch."
    "That is not your call to make and there is no way I am letting you go through with this!" Neila insists, stepping closer to him.
    "I say if Henry wishes to sacrifice his life to save the kingdom, let him," Elizabeth says with pure indifference. "He serves as a solution to our predicament, so what else do we need?" Neila wheels around, fire him her eyes as she casts a venomous look at Elizabeth.
    "How about I skin you from ear to ear right now?" She threatens. "Solve our predicament a lot faster."
    "You are all insufferable savages," Elizabeth shoots back.
    "Stop," I say firmly, stepping between them. "We need to work together on this. This constant disrespect and verbal combat isn't going to help us find a solution any faster. It is only driving a wedge between us."
    "Agreed," Henry nods and turns back to Morpheus. "I have made my choice. Now all you need to do is accept it."
    "Accept that the man I love wants to be a sacrificial lamb without even consulting me?" Neila demands, grabbing his shoulder and forcing him to look at her.
    "If I hadn't stepped up, you would have done the same, and you know it," he insists.
    "Still..." her voice catches as she looks up at him. "I just found you and now you want to leave me?" Henry takes the few remaining steps between them in a heartbeat, taking her hands in his and looking her fiercely in the eye.
    "Leaving you is the last thing I want, but if someone has to die, I am glad I get to do this for you. For the king. For us all."
    "Perhaps we should allow them some time to say their farewells," Morpheus says with a clearing of his throat.
    "There is no time," Neila cuts in. "Besides, we have said all we need to."
    "All right," Morpheus nods. "Let us begin with the spell. Henry, if you will, lie down on the bed next to the king." Henry shuffles over to the bed, but before he can recline, Veron snaps out of it and pulls his best friend into a tight hug, slapping him on the back.
    "Oh, Veron," Henry sighs. "You have been a true brother to me."
    "As have you," Veron nods. "So all I ask... is that you take good care of her."

    "What?" All of our voices say at once. Henry pulls away from Veron just in time for a heavy, blunt metal candlestick to catch him in the side of the head. He collapses, dazily holding a hand to the side of his head.
    "Veron..." Henry says groggily. "Why?" The room bursts into a cacophony of raised voices and sharp accusations, but Veron smiles sadly as Henry slips out of consciousness.
    "Because this is the best thing for everyone," Veron says firmly. Neila drops to her knees next to Henry, her eyes brimming with tears.
    "Veron, what are you doing?" She demands.
    "I am taking Henry's place," he says bravely. "I am sorry for knocking him out, but he would have tried to stop me. This is the way it is supposed to be."
    "Why would you say that?" Neila demands, jumping to feet, panic in her voice.
    "Because Henry is your future," Veron explains. "I am like a bad penny you cannot seem to be able to shake, and I refuse to be the one to hold you back any longer."
    "This again?" Neila exclaims. "Veron. Please. It has always been me and you. I don't want to do all this without you!"
    "Do not force me to fight you on this, sister," Veron pleads. "I have made my decision and you will not change my mind." And with that, Veron lies down on the bed and nods at Morpheus. "I am ready."
    "No, wait!" Neila yells furiously. "I am not okay with this!"
    "Sister, please!" Veron yells back. "You have a full life ahead of you with Henry. Let me do this for you! I know it is not what you expected, but you can survive this. We both know you have been through worse."
    "Worse?" She scoffs. "You seriously want to dredge up our sob story right now?"
    "Alright people," Elizabeth says, holding up a hand. "Whatever has to happen, it has to happen now. Jayce's breathing has turned too shallow." Gripped by a jolt of panic so painful that my legs almost give out, I dash over to Jayce's side and prop myself next ot him, pressing two fingers to his pulse point. Alarm invades my senses as I feel his pulse flatter scarce and frail against my fingers, like the ghost of a life, a fading reminder of a caress on numb skin.
    "He's fading," I gasp. My eyes land on his would, and with a start, I realize that the pulsating black veins, reaching out like bony fingers to infect his bloodstream, brim with oozing dark matter. The dark substance within them rolls up across his midsection and chest, stopping just inches from his heart. I feel my blood drain and everything else is forgotten. The only thing that matters is Jayce and I am listing him; everything he is slipping away into the dark confines of nothingness. I barely feel Morpheus slide up next to me, his hand resting on my shoulder.
    "He is not gone yet, but I must begin the transfer. It is a matter of minutes now."
Everyone turns to look at Neila, who looks so hollowed out that I think if a wind swept in, it would snatch her away. When she speaks, her voice comes out rasp and broken, her dismay and torment laid clearly out on her face.
    "Do it," she says quietly. Nodding, Morpheus positions himself at the head of the bed, laying a hand on both Jayce and Veron's foreheads. He closes his eyes and begins chanting.

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