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I am sorry for not posting for a very long time. Here is a short chapter.

Boboiboy belongs to Animonsta Studios.

My hero academia belongs to I think bones Inc and Horikoshi

- Characters are not mine.

- Some Oc's but not important.

- Bad Grammar and Commas.

-And some OOC

- Cringy

-Slay all day.

By the way, the scientific words in this chapter might not be correct but just bear with me.


Boboiboy, Fang, Blaze, Taufan, and Duri leave the living room with Gempa, who has returned to the kitchen, and Halilintar, who reluctantly obeys Gempa's orders and sat beside the sleeping ais. They had to walk down the hall and keep walking, and take a turn to the right. As they walked, Boboiboy looked around and spotted a new painting of a plant that looked like a sunflower on the wall. "Is that a new painting?" he asked, looking at the painting as they passed by it. Duri immediately gets excited and responds eagerly. "Yeah! I painted it; I wanted to paint a flower, so I picked a sunflower whose name is Solar."Duri smiled as he spoke with joy. Duri often liked to paint, mostly plants. Once, he tried to draw Ais sleeping but ended up with one big mess around his and Solar's room. Taufan laughed and waved his hand around, smacking it on Duri's back. "I remember that time! Gempa was sooo angry that you made a mess. Especially with dried paint!" Blaze giggled as well and contributed to this conversation. "When Gempa was done cleaning, Halilintar was sprinting and accidentally knocked over one of the light blue paint buckets all over the carpet! Gempa was definitely angry that day.." he said with a smile showing his teeth.

Fang was looking at the decorations on the wall and noticed a lot of them included the colors the elements represented. There were numerous decorations on snakes for some reason. There were also color coded doors as they walked by. The first door they had passed through like that was a light blue and redish orange mixed colored door that had the ice symbol and the fire symbol on it with small stickers stuck to it. The second door was a mixed colored door of green and yellow, like the first door had symbols on it, just different; it was instead the light symbol and the nature symbol. The door that was ahead of them was mixed with three colors instead of two. Brown, a light blue that kind of looked like white, and a neon red. Just like the others, it had a symbol. The earth symbol, lighting symbol, wind symbol, or air symbol, whatever.

They continued to walk through the long hall, eventually passing by what Fang assumed was Gempa, Halilintar, and Taufan's room. They walked by a glass sliding door, which you could look through and see a beautiful green garden full of all kinds of plants from all kinds of planets and even universes. "Wow, that's one hell of a garden you got there, Duri." Fang said, as his eyes were a little wide, showing he was impressed. Duri was thankful for the compliment and gave a small nod. "Thanks, Fang, I worked really hard on it!" Duri said as he raised his right arm up to the air with his hand, which was made into a fist with a grin. "Couldn't you just make them grow in seconds with your powers, though?" Blaze asked since that way it was much easier. Duri shook his head with a frown. "No way! Unless I have some kind of reason, I wouldn't. I love watching my babies grow by themselves at their own pace," he said back. Duri only used his powers to get seeds, and maybe if there was a reason, he could grow them in seconds with his powers.

They continued to walk when they saw a plain door ahead on the left side of the wall. Boboiboy raised his eyebrow a little bit and looked with curiosity. "What's that? Is that a new room you guys added?" he questioned. Blaze shook his head and looked at the door as well with an unsure look. "We didn't add any rooms. That one just appeared out of nowhere. On the inside, there is just a plain room with nothing in it. Pretty strange, huh ori?" Blaze explained; it seems he didn't know what it was either. Taufan spoke up as they stopped in front of the plain, mysterious door. "Now that you mention it, ever since we found this door, strange things have been happening." Fang looked a bit confused and asked. "Strange things? like what?" Taufan thought for a moment and replied. "Well, the lights have been flickering a lot. We don't know why, it's not like we have some sort of generator of something, I think. Our house is literally in our elemental space. Our own pocket dimension is what Solar would say anyway. We tried to see if there were any problems, but there weren't. Everything was completely fine." Taufan explained with an unsure look as well. Their house was in their own pocket dimension. They could change and control everything in there. But the lights seemed to be just fine when they checked. But for some reason, it flickered a lot.

Boboiboy X MhaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant