Become The King

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I hope that our friendship will stay strong,
For everything I wanted to say,
I just hope life brings out a song,
For I hope nothing gets in your way,

Dreams are worth fighting for,
For best friends can always be awesome,
Standing on the sidelines for that score,
For all the goals that will blossom.

Never give up on who you are,
Always take a step toward a new journey,
To me, you are the star,
And never be so stormy,

Fight for what is right,
For who knows what the future will bring,
As I watch you be able to take flight,
So go on and become the king.

Find what makes you happy,
Find all the right paths,
Just don't make things too snappy.
Show them all your wrath,

Onward to a better future ahead,
As I support you in our friendship as true,
As the path is what you shall tread,
So show the world what I see in you.

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