I am the everything

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I am the moon that shines brightly in the evening sky,
But yet, I go through many phases.

I am the stars that you can always find a way to cry.
But I do have to fade along with the faces.

I am the sun that rises in the morning hours,
But I set once I am done with the day.

I am the yard that can always bring you flowers,
But I can die once the winter sets the gray.

I am the flower that blooms for the colors,
But I disappear once the cool air comes.

I am the sky that is full of watercolors,
But yet I am what storms will succumb.

I am the trees that brings you shade,
But yet, I can easily fall.

I am the cave that brings you aid,
But I can block anything you call.

I am the nothing that you feel,
But I can change into a love,

I am the everything that can help you heal,
But I am not that angel from above.

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