A Journey To Learn

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Falling leaves brings a note to me,
I made mistakes before and left without a notice.
End of summer tells me to let it be.
But letting me understand the need to be focused.

Sorrows wake up the emotions inside,
Realizing that maybe I am not who I am,
For I feel like I made my heart lied,
For everything the voices in my head say is a scam.

Hot days of summer will soon to be the end,
Listening to the midnight storms,
Forgiving all those to become a friend,
Yet, we shall see how life preforms...

Days will get short sooner than what we think,
Love is always there to find my right path,
As the stories are written in ink,
For all the negative is left in our wrath.

Damage has been done for others,
But healing is just a journey to learn,
And we find new sisters and brothers,
For the things we yet to yearn.

Bringing the positivity into my heart,
Only to believe what is true,
For this is just a new start,
There's no more need to feel so blue.

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