Q&A (late 2k special)

Start from the beginning

Harold: (Chuckles)

Mayor Humdinger: And what are you laughing at?

Harold: Nothing.

Mayor Humdinger: Hmph, typical...

Me: Okay, next question. Who had the best guest appearance from the story?

Chase: It sure wasn't Blizzard, that's for sure.

Ryder: Chase.

Chase: Sorry, but it's true.

Ryder: Even though Blizzard had his moments, I'd say that they all had great appearances during the story.

Rubble: To me, it's my family. I was kinda expecting Charger to be here, to be honest but seeing the whole family was something else.

Chase: Definitely has to be Dominick, I was glad to see him here because Dominick is like the good brother to me but Blizzard is the complete opposite of that.

Rocky and Everest: Tundra.

Sweetie: Mirage, no questions asked.

Liberty: I don't know about Mirage, those fireworks frightened me a bit.

Codi Gizmody: A pup afraid of some little firework? That's a new one.

Liberty: Hey, don't blame me because I'm scared!

Codi Gizmody: Yeah yeah, whatever you say.

Marshall: Marcus

Cat Noir: I really wasn't there to see any of it heheh, but even though I didn't see their appearance I did get to see Froll and Dominick at the end which is good for me.

Me: Alright, third question. For the others, how does it feel meeting each other while going on a road trip face to face?

Rex: It felt great meeting the others.

Tuck: Yeah, especially Moby and Claw.

McSquidly: (Squid noises)

Tuck: Oh, whoops. Also McSquidly as well. (Chuckles)

Everest: Getting to know each of the pups, good or bad was the best part about the road trip.

Moby: But the worst part was seeing us in our movie version.

Rubble: Atleast you guys got to eat pup treats on the way there.

Pups: (Chuckles)

Me: This isn't really part of the 10 questions, but who do you think was your favorite to meet?

Everest: That's a tough one, I would probably go with Claw.

Tracker: Rex.

Sweetie: Moby.

Ella: Coral.

Tuck: Al.

Rex: Claw.

Al: Hmm, Sweetie.

Sweetie: Atleast one appreciates me.

Claw: Oh, whatever. I'll pick Coral.

Coral: Hard choice, but I choose Everest.

Moby: Sweetie.

Me: Nobody for Ella and Tuck?

Sweetie: Nope, we're fine with our vote.

Ella: Ouch.

Me: Okay, question four. For Cat Noir, what was your reaction like getting kidnapped in the story? Or in this case, catnapped.

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