Chapter 2: The First Step/Swim At The Lake

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Voice cast:

Steve Yuen as Derek Knight
Alice Lee as Nicole Suwan
Jace Norman as Galen
Max Charles as Liuer
David Jason as Yar

"AAAAHHH!" Derek screamed as he sprang up in his bed. Sweating profusely, he tried to catch his breath. "I just had a horrible dream that I met Nicole and we got teleported to a crazy world of talking monkeys and lemurs!" He exclaimed, before claiming down. He then sighed and gained a chill smile. "Good thing it was all just a dream."

"Uh...Derek," said an all too familiar voice. Derek slowly turned his head and saw Nicole sitting up on her sleeping mat. Standing next to her were Galen, Yar and Liuer.

Yar scratched his armpits. "Oh..." Derek fell back on his mat. "Right."

"Hey, guys. Sleep well?" Galen greeted them. Still his usual happy self.

"Careful, boy!" Yar suddenly exclaimed, blocking his grandson with his arm, whilst giving Derek and Nicole a wary look. "They could be hungry."

"For your guts!" Liuer hopped over, holding a rolling pin like a weapon.

"Dude, relax. We're not gonna eat something that clearly doesn't bathe," Nicole said, pointing at Yar. As it was, the old monkey was filthy. Dirt and whatever primates would sweat was staining both his skin and clothing. And just to add to it, there were flies all around his head.

As the flies buzz all around his head, Yar grabbed one in midair before putting it in his mouth and eating it. "Fair point," he admitted.

"See? Told you they were harmless," Galen said.

"Hmph. Sure, she's harmless for now," Yar said sarcastically as he patted Liuer's back. "It's him that I'm concerned about."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Derek asked, a little offended.

"Just don't go doin' to us like ya' did to that Carnosaur" Yar warned the boy before walking up the stairs with Liuer. But then, the six eared monkey leapt back down and glared at Derek and Nicole.

"Just give me an excuse to use old Doris here." He threatened the two while patting the rolling pin on his hand. Then he turned and walked out of the room.

"I think the one with the six ears wants to kill us," Nicole said.

"What was your first clue?" asked Derek. "Galen, if it's not too much to ask but, how come your brother has six ears and no one else does?"

"It's a special mutation he was born with," Galen replied looking in the direction of the door. "It's a rare occurrence that happens now and then; primates having strange alterations to their bodies."

Nicole straightened herself up before asking, "Yeah? What sort of alterations?"

This was when the young monkey started listing the said alterations. "Extra limbs, horns, giant size, mixture of different animals, having a fish tail instead of legs and of course having six ears, which is the most common one."

"And these are a thing in this world?" Derek asked.

"Yup, but enough about that for now. So, you must be so excited to be trapped in another world," Galen exclaimed, before bending back to give the two ex-friends a teasing smile. "Very jealous." However, he bent too far back and fell over. "Oh!"

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