Chapter 8: The Mayor Blimp (Aug 10th)

Start from the beginning

Cat Noir: Phew, that's done. Now to do the top of the blimp, but how am I gonna do that while the kittens are watching me?

"He looks over at the kittens and saw all of them fall asleep."

Cat Noir: Or they could just probably fall asleep of boredom and not see me using my powers, perfect.

"He brings out his claw again on the same paw and opens the lid the same way he did like the other paint can and removes the lid, then he retracts his claws again. He pours it inside of the other bucket and starts to dip the other paint roller about two or three times, then he teleported up on top of the blimp and went to paint it purple like what Mayor Humdinger told him to do. Hours have went by and it took all night to paint the top of the blimp and the fins."

Cat Noir: Done! (Teleports back to the ground)

"The kittens woke up from their sleep as the villains showed up outside of the building."

Mayor Humdinger: Hmm, not bad at all. I like it

Harold: That's because it's your color, Uncle Mayor

Mayor Humdinger: Precisely

Cat Noir: Now can I eat? I've been working all day, plus your kittens fell asleep on the job. (Chuckles)

Cat Chase: (Hisses at Cat Noir)

Mayor Humdinger: Don't worry, as long as you were doing the work and not taking any breaks, (Rubbing Cat Chase) they're fine.

Cat Chase: Hmph

Cat Noir: (Rolls eyes) Now, can I eat?

Codi Gizmody: After we show you this reward, since you painted the blimp and all.

Cat Noir: Huh, I guess you're actually doing something nice for once. What's my reward?

Harold: Let's show him

"Mayor Humdinger pulls out something from behind which was some kind of invention that he made."

Cat Noir: What is that?

Mayor Humdinger: It's a masquerade that Harold has made for you, try it on.

Cat Noir: Okay

"The masquerade invention looks black with two lines above and below in a line of purple, it's in a shape of a bat and it's wearable on the face for others to be in control. Wearing this will obey villains instead of heroes, but this will take some time for anyone to snap out of it and return back to normal."

"Cat Noir wears the masquerade over his eyes like how other people would wear glasses."

Cat Noir: Oh, it's not so ba-

"That was until it added a couple of whoosh in the mirror of the masquerade glasses, that's when Cat Noir's focus started to just look forward instead of looking around."

Cat Noir: What's happeninggg...?

"His eyes starts to close, his mouth wasn't even moving and neither was his tail, and there was complete silence in the air."

Kitten Catastrophe Crew: Meow?

Mayor Humdinger: What did you do this time, nephew? I thought it was suppose to control him.

Harold: Wait for it, Uncle Mayor. I added a little touch to it.

"Cat Noir started to change, his face and fur started to change from black to white and his bell turned white as well. Once the change stopped, he opened his eyes and it changed from a dark emerald green to a normal cyan color."

Mayor Humdinger: Wow! Now that is impressive.

Harold: I know, and he can also listen to us now, watch. Hey Cat Noir, how do you feel about doing evil stuff now?

Cat Noir (?): I feel like...

Mayor Humdinger: Yeah?

Cat Noir (?): I feel like...

Codi Gizmody: Yeah?

Cat Noir (?): I feel like... We could finally take down the PAW Patrol once and for all.

Harold: Now that's what I'm talking about

Mayor Humdinger: Yes! With my blimp, Codi's robots, Harold's invention and Cat Noir's evil body. We can be unstoppable to those pups and Ryder too!

Harold: So what is your plan and will it work this time?

Mayor Humdinger: Trust me nephew, it will. We'll lift this blimp up into the air, and bash into the Lookout Tower knocking it down then there'll be no anniversary, no way of finding out where the danger is and no Lookouts. We'll be the ones taking control, and it surely won't be them.

Codi Gizmody: Yep, and we only got two days left until this plan comes into action.

Mayor Humdinger: Let's go back inside, it's getting chilly outside. Come on, Cat Noir. (Leaves and same for the kittens and villains)

Cat Noir (?): Okay, coming. (Follows them)

*The OCs that are used belongs to some of the writers from Wattpad and some OC makers from the Fanon wiki. Also, Paw Patrol belongs to Nickelodeon, Spin Master & Viacom.*

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