Chapter 5: The first showdown (Aug 6th)

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Chase: (Whispers) Right

Ryder: Wait a second, Codi?! How are you back here?

Codi Gizmody: That, I shall not reveal to you guys.

Liberty: Now!!

Chase: Ruff!

"He uses the nets to trap Mayor Humdinger, Harold and Codi in there one by one. Luckily, it worked for them."

Liberty: And it looks like my secret has been revealed.

Pups: (Cheers and howls)

Ryder: Great work pups, now let's get that black cat out of there.

Codi: (To herself) I don't think so, oh Elly-Dee! Send in the robots!

Rocky: Elly-Dee is here too?

Codi: Yep, she's in a secret room where she sees you guys and can summon out the robots which is my backup plan.

"There were about 11 robots that came out with what looks like laser guns on each of them, they were silver metal robots that had no LED eyes but they can only see them in a vision of redness. Their hands are shown to be claws and they also have two wheels as legs that are identical to a segway vehicle."

Marshall: Let's see if your robots can handle this. Ruff! Water cannon!

"He sprayed the robot with his water cannon, but apparently it didn't electrocute or turn into rust."

Marshall: Huh? (His water cannon gets put away)

Codi Gizmody: Hah! Silly pup, it's water-proof.

Skye: Just like Robo-Dog, oh no...

Codi Gizmody: It looks like my secret has been revealed as well, Liberty.

Harold: This might be the perfect time to run. Robots! Attack!

"The robots had their laser guns pointed at them except for the three that were helping the villains out of the nets."

Ryder: Pups, I think we should run.

Rubble: Oh great, I hate running

"The other pups chuckled a little but Ryder ducked down from the laser that one of the robots shot at him, then the others started to run."

Codi Gizmody: Well, that was easy.

Mayor Humdinger: Yeah, now I want you three to guard that crate and make sure that nobody swipes it.

"The 3 robots went to guard the crate while the villains went inside of the room that Ryder & the pups did not see but the black cat saw it through the crate."

Black cat: Of course, they had to get away. Can somebody help me out of here?

Chase: Don't worry black cat, we'll get you out of there.

"The 3 robots pointed their laser gun at Chase."

Chase: Woah... But before I do that, I'm gonna have to lose these guys first. (Runs away as the robots go after him)

Black cat: (Sighs) I'm never gonna get out of here...

"The lasers that were being shot don't affect the walls, roof or the ground but it does affect anyone that gets hurt by it."

Skye: (Ducks down) Woah, (Jumps) Woah!

"Chase dodges the lasers from left to right, but when Chase saw Skye going in a different direction at the same spot they both went around in circles to try and avoid the robots."

Skye: (Running with Chase) Did we lose them?

Chase: (Looks behind him) Uhh, I'm pretty sure we didn't because the 4 of them are after us.

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