Chapter 9

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Paige's POV

Tonight was crazy. 

I was so dumbstruck at everything that happened that I didn't care I had to climb the rusty old ladder up to the roof again.

Lauren was unusually quiet and I had no words to be said, so we got back to the hotel room in complete silence.

"What's wrong?" I asked, unable to stand the quiet any longer.

"You are seriously asking me that?" Lauren responded, annoyed.

Okayyyy. Funny that it sounded like if she were mad at me.

"What did I even do?" I asked defensively.

"Paige, I'm really tired. It was a long day so I'm going straight to the point and then I'm going to sleep alright?" I nodded in assent, all I needed to know was what I did.

"Okay then. Niall and Harry" she stated.

I stared at her, still not getting her point..

"God okay, I'll explain with apples and everything. You have a boyfriend. I don't know him, but honestly if you can flirt with another guys who you just met then you're obviously not in love with the guy. Second, you are giving both Niall and Harry, mixed signals" I was about to protest but she put her hand up to stop me.

"I told you I'm tired, so let me finish" I let out a frustrated sigh but nodded.

"Alright. You obviously like Niall but today you were drooling over Harry. Seriously, one moment you are worried and concerned for Niall and later you are exchanging numbers and acting like a giggly schoolgirl with Harry, all this while Niall is right next to you guys. It's really stupid... and I love both of them, so don't get me wrong. I've been their fan for a while, but you seriously need to think this through. You need to decide what you want to do with Derek and then choose who you really like, Niall or Harry. You can't have all of them, as awesome as that would be".

"Is there a specific reason why you're acting like a scolding mother?" I asked as soon as she stopped talking.

"Paige, I'm giving you advice, I'm older than you and I've been through a lot... trust me on this, if you play with fire, you will get burnt. Everything will start crumbling around you and it's gonna suck! I tell you this because I care, Okay?"

I knew she was right but it didn't make things any easier. What am I supposed to do? Derek deserved better than me....

About Niall... I have no clue what she's talking about, that I got worried when he got hurt doesn't mean I like him jeez!

Harry though... he's so adorable, those eyes can make any girl swoon.

I hadn't even finished the thought when Lauren hit me with a pillow on the head.

"Ow, what was that for?" I whined.

"You're smiling like an idiot. I don't think you're giving it deep thought.... maybe you should sleep on it okay?" I nodded solemnly. This girl... I appreciate it her trying to be a good friend but c'mon, people learn from making mistakes, and for some reason I felt adventurous, as if I could do anything.

"You're right. I'll think about it. Thanks" she took that as a good thing and went to take a shower.

My phone beeped in my pocket and I took it out.

1 new text message.

"Goodnight beautiful xx- Harry"

I smiled.

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