special chapter: two kind eyes [pt 2]

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The short trip, which took about five minutes, was spent in almost total silence.

The woman, sitting right toward Kate, didn’t take her eyes from hers for the whole time.

From the other side of the limousine, which proceeded fast on secondary roads of the Big City, Kate was totally unable to speak.
Every muscle of hers was blocked, except for her heart beating crazily. She wondered if she could have a heart attack for shock, despite such a young age.
Magic sensed her stress and kept looking at the three humans, suspicious and ready for any signal to react.
On his side, Molly was busy chewing his left ear with appetite, maybe deciding it was the right thing to do with a new potential friend.

“Corgis” thought the German Shepherd “Weird dogs…”

Claire tried a few times to say something, but she never did as she thought it wasn’t the right moment to start a conversation during that weird situation. 

After a little time, that instead felt like over two hours, the elderly woman decided it was time to break the silence, so she composedly fixed herself on the seat and, with a lovely and polite  smile, she began talking: 
-You told me she was a mature and polite girl, Claire, but I didn't expect such a pretty creature!

- She is a clever one, auntie Lizzie. - Claire blinked at Kate and crossed her legs on the seat, picking up Grace on her belly to rub her ears. The cat raised her head and closed her eyes, purring.

- A-Auntie Lizzie? - repeated Kate, blowing her jaw in shock - Are you relatives?

- I’ve gained this little nickname from Claire’s family, as we often met each other since they were very young. I consider her as a dear niece as well.  You know, our role as Secret Keepers needs many confrontations.
- As I own the Breathe, my family represents a sort of leader through all the Keepers around the world, so it’s not weird I have some special contacts.- confirmed the vet.

Kate couldn’t assimilate that incredible amount of information in such a short time. Her eyes kept running from a woman to the other, still not believing.

Queen Elizabeth opened her handbag again, calmly, and took a little round thing that shined of a metallic red. She handed it to Kate and smiled:
- Here, take a candy.

The girl stared at her in confusion, unable to move a single finger. After noticing the lady’s glare getting unsure, she eventually took it from her fingers and opened the plastic around the sweet. She pulled the little sugar inside her mouth and slowly melted it.
Somehow, that sweet taste softened the tension inside her and she was able to look around and stretch her legs, looking for Claire’s eyes.
She smiled in approbation and also took a candy from Queen Elizabeth.

- So, Kate, what’s your comment about this sudden and unexpected meeting? - asked the oldest, with a warm voice.
- I…it’s just…I guess…- stuttered the young girl -…I didn’t expect a Queen to carry candies inside her handbag, ma’am.

- Oh! - the interlocutor burst into laughter - what did you think I had inside this? Something must give me the strength and the energy during official meetings, after all! And don’t forget I’m a grandmother myself, and candies are something that every grandma in the world shares.

Kate thought it was the last thing she thought to hear. She realized that she always thought that the Queen’s handbag, seen in TV so many times, was actually empty and just represented an accessory of the colorful and unique outfits of hers.

The limousine slowed down its run and slowly entered a smaller street: Kate felt the light softening as they found themselves between two lines of taller buildings.
After a while, the vehicle stopped.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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